Also yes, I know Arthur wasn't there for the Blackwater job, so bear with me if there are any game lore errors. He praises John for keeping calm and collected around Bronte when negotiating for Jack's return. Nonetheless, the interactions we do see shows that they are good friends with great respect for each other. Pearson is the one who arranges a parlay between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll after he has a run in with some of Colm's men, however, this inadvertently leads to Arthur being captured and tortured by Colm and his men, something Pearson repeatedly apologises for. He would come up to you, his head hung low . At camp Tilly is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. Though Sean frequently annoyed Arthur, he was greatly saddened when Sean was killed in an ambush by the Grays, affectionately saying what fun times they had together and that he never realised how much he actually cared about him until he was dead. Together, they seek a happy ending to the chaos. There is still a lot left to do, but in the meantime here are the chapters I have written down. Helping the Wapiti Tribe and Eagle Flies gave Arthur the chance to redeem himself by doing the right thing, however, the needless death of a young man due to Dutch's manipulation and refusal to help Arthur causes him to solidify his opposition to Dutch. Arthur never really understood his opinion of Trelawny. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. Kind of the way he's supposed to be dumb but he's obviously not. Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. Basically a what-if, what if John never came back after running out on Abigail and Jack? Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. There are so many delightful characters in camp that interact with Arthur. Hosea gave him a look over the fire, a soft, heartbroken thing, but Arthur could find no remorse within him to give. So youre saying that, in the end, all Dutch needed was a little more time? They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . Based on this request: can you write imagines for Arthur, Sean and Charles with a non-English speaking immigrant reader? He aided their fight to protect their land by sneaking into Leviticus Cornwall's office to find proof that his tribe will be forced to move. It will be the paradise Arthur deserved. Miss Grimshaw killing Molly divides the camp with everyone under the impression that she was telling the truth, some claimed it was justified as Molly knew the rules whilst others were sympathetic towards her as she only did what she did because she loved Dutch. Despite the significantly less money John accepts, with Arthur calling him a fool. Pinched brows and a sun-drenched face; an open and honest look in his eye that dont match the carnage laid out at his hand. During a random stagecoach robbery Micah Bell speculates that John could be turning on the gang and points out the doubts Arthur has of him, but Arthur retorts that hes known him for so long that he has no doubts, showing that, despite what John had done in the past, and how Arthur felt about it, he still knows John would never betray the gang. A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. During Arthurs final confrontation with Micah, and the few remaining gang members, John unexpectedly appears and sides with Arthur, revealing Dutch left him to die. He becomes more friendly to him and now refers to him as "O'Driscoll" in jest rather than out of scorn. This shared view gave Arthur confidence to confide in Charles his views and illness. Arthur is just trying to keep his family in one piece following the disasters events of Blackwater and Dutch's ever-more shaky grip on reality when Mary-Beth comes to him with a proposition he never sought, nor wanted. Stepney, named after a district in London, is a tank engine who lives and works on the North Western Railway. She was obviously pleased with this compliment, shooting a such as sugar smile his way. Enraged over Hosea's death, Arthur and the gang proceed to kill several Pinkertons before escaping. Work Search: Their relationship is actually one of the best plot lines in RDR2. After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. Please consider turning it on! Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. Mary-Beth is unique as one of the camp members as she is rarely seen taking part in any missions, unlike Karen and Tilly. Arthur respected Miss Grimshaw's authority. Will buy you your own journal so you dont have to draw on scraps of paper. If Arthur dies before completing Hamish's story line he will be saddened by his death, speaking of Arthur's hunting achievements with John. I never got to dance with Mary-Beth. She can ask Arthur for a fountain pen and in return will give him a ring. I used to write a lot for Supernatural (the TV show). He is grateful for Arthur's contributions when he goes hunting and donates what he has caught. If Arthur does decide to go back for the "money", it is likely that he instead wished to have one last showdown with Micah, evidenced by the fact that he will shout his name and ask him to show himself, even admitting that he went for the money because of "unfinished business" he had with him, showing the intense hatred between the two. Arthur interacts with Mary-Beth, where the two share anecdotes of their past, before Miss Grimshaw comes up to Arthur to tell him that Tilly has gone missing. a series of purely self indulgent things I want to see, there isnt enough variety in this fandom. Arthur liked Miss Grimshaw and her feelings were mutual. Charlotte was grateful for his help and his company, having brought her up when she was at her lowest point. Arthur and Molly rarely interacted. You knew a few words before coming to America, basics like Hello, Thank you, My name is, but nothing more. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. He then asks Karen if she is okay, with her telling him she is fine. He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. Abigail begged Arthur, as well as Dutch and John, to rescue her son when he was kidnapped by the Braithwaites. He could be an ass, but you loved him, so of course youd forgive him. Mary-Beth's long-dead muse for an unfinished book suddenly comes back to life. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. He can even talk to her about his illness, and his inevitable death, late in the game. Micah convinces Dutch that Arthur and John have become disloyal which begins to strain Arthur's, and the gang's, relationship with Dutch. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. He will later move in with John, Abigail and Jack at their homestead. The idea visibly impresses Arthur and comments that he is the first man to have half his brain eaten by wolves and come out smarter. Once the gang arrives and finds the area crawling with O'Driscolls a shootout begins that ends with all the O'Driscolls being killed. Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. Karen is very sympathetic and encourages Arthur that he can, and should, do better. In one incident Javier calls Charles an arrogant son of a bitch because of his lack of faith in Dutch and further adds that he should "use [his] brain". Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. If you look at Arthurs interaction with people who dont speak English It seems like he has little to no patience with them lmfao. What? The present timeline is set right after World War Two, so this story will study the after-effects of the war on our characters. For a few moments, they held hands and watched the sun sink below the horizon. After being tortured by Colm o'driscoll, Arthur gets back to camp. The two bonded over fishing and hunting, becoming good friends throughout. There, you got it. Ultimately, Arthur leaves a positive impression on Rains Fall. Arthur Morgan is a dead man walking, and his is a story no one would have thought to have told. If you've never been a relationship where you both love one another but just can't make it work because you aren't quite compatible then you won't really get it. Arthur later compliments Sean for his performance when destroying the fields. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Arthur's last encounter with Dutch is after he and Micah have a brawl and Arthur, who is crawling and barely alive from his tuberculosis,is about to grab the gun and kill him only for Dutch, who suddenly appears, to stop him. If Arthur chooses to help Mary, their relationship improves to the point in which she reveals she still has feelings for Arthur. I got this for you when I was in town. But over time, things complicate. I thought Mary Linton was a good person. And it was raining so I danced with Karen in the rain, awww. When he does tell her this she deeply sympathizes with Arthur but she will also try to reassure him, and tell him he still has time to do good. Arthur follows Dutchs every command, even the oneshe doesnt necessarily agree with. This is followed by an assault on the gang's hideout by the O'Driscolls. It is generally believed that Mary-Beth had a crush on Arthur until, at least, she started developing feelings for Kieran, although this is unconfirmed. At camp Arthur can have conversations with her about his life and the things he does, and in response she will provide support and comfort for Arthur. I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. His willingness to help Rains Fall got to a point where he would try to do so behind Dutch's back, and even if it earned his contempt. With a new baby, there are a lot of responsibilities put on his shoulders. Bill is shocked when he sees that Arthur is losing faith in Dutch and tells Arthur, whilst robbing some dynamites in Van Horn, that he believes he has gone soft. Uncle, Arthur, Bill and Charles are soon pursued. One day, Arthur went to their home and saw two crosses outside and immediately realized that they were both dead. Mary-Beth Gaskill | Red Dead Wiki | Fandom Around half-way through the storyArthur becomes wary of Dutch's steadily growing inclination towards violence,specifically when he drowns Angelo Bronte and feeds him to an alligatorasvengeance for setting him,and his gang,up at the trolley station. It was on this same job that Arthur saves him after he was captured by Leviticus Cornwall's men and held at gun point, but Arthur, through his use of Dead Eye, manages to kill them before they can do anything. Their relationship is very similar to what Uncle has with John. They needed to talk. Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. Arthur retorts that if he only cared about money he would be long gone. Arthur, with Charles, then rescues Eagles Flies from Fort Wallace, much to Rains Fall's gratitude. Charles's personality of being quiet, mostly serious and reliable made Arthur enjoy his company and preferred to have him by his side. A/N: If you prefer to read this on AO3, click here. As the story progresses their relationship slightly improves. Was it for the last time, or was something else bound to happen? If John visits her in the epilogue, she will again express gratitude for Arthur's actions, his help having enabled her to survive and live happily. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! The experience hardened him and made him realise that he doesn't deserve the kind of happiness that his now dead family once gave him because of the life he leads. He admits that he respected Arthur once before, but he now considers Arthur, along with John and Charles, traitors and hopes they get whats coming to them. She stood and walked with him to the edge of the river. When she got caught up in an argument with Pearson, the camp's cook, whilst working for him, Arthur intervened and Sadie explained that she and her husband would share all the work, rather than being given only domestic, household work. Stepney was . Arthur would regularly bring Charles on jobs, believing him to be a more reliable pair of hands than anybody else in the gang. The two men were under orders from a mysterious figure known only as The Traveler to save Arthur, as a reward for turning his life around. Arthur saw Lenny as a very bright kid and talented member of the gang, he would often stand up for Lenny whenever Micah taunted him. "What the fuck, John?". Something Abigail deeply appreciated as that is all she has truly wanted, mostly for Jack's sake. Well, look no further because here you are! He enjoyed joking around with Arthur, for example whilst in Saint Denis Dutch snook up on him and held him at gun point, much to his amusement. I thought that's sweet, don't you?". (That is, until Miss Grimshaw comes by, sees you sleeping and wake up both of you, rushing you to do some work). I mean it is and it isn't, Location: Shady Belle (Red Dead Redemption), Chapter 4: Saint Denis (Red Dead Redemption 2), Chapter 3: Clemens Point (Red Dead Redemption 2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Westerosi Characters | Characters From Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, apparently this ship hit me out of nowhere so here you go, Arthur reassuring Mary-Beth that her writing isn't silly, This fic is probably just going to be a collection of one-shots, my only excuse is that this fic should have already existed, From Tatters to Silk at the Touch of Your Hands, why are there so few works about these two they are literally made for each other, The Cowboys of LA: A Red Dead Redemption 1950's AU, Mother Superior Caldern (Red Dead Redemption). Charles told Arthur his illness is more of a blessing than a curse, because he is a aware of the short time he has left and has a chance to redeem himself, compared to some of their fallen brethren like Sean, Kieran, Hosea and Lenny, who never got a chance to seek redemption. During the final train robbery Abigail is abducted by Agent Milton and taken to Van Horn, both Sadie and Arthur decide to rescue her. During the robbery, however, Arthur witnesses John getting shot and falling off the train. Charles would talk about Arthur being a good man, and would go with Sadie and John to kill Micah to avenge Arthur. Once she finally builds up the courage to do so she does it in her own way. In the fight, Micah will say that he has been waiting a long time to kill Arthur, and will do so, if the player's honor is low. Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. It is uncertain what relationship the two hadbut it can be deduced that they were on good terms. At camp Lenny can play Five Finger Fillet and Poker with Arthur. Arthur aiding Eagle Flies gained his respect despite the fact he initially loathed Arthur and his kind, but nonetheless ends with Eagle Flies giving up his life for Arthur's. Mary-Beth liked the name Leslie because it was ambiguous, both male and female and Dupont Well, French had always seemed so romantic to her. Mary-beth sat in her tent a book in her hand as always, luckily she had finished her chores for the time being so Mrs. Grimshaw wouldn't give her an earful for slacking off. Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. "Sshh . Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. Lost, confused and in need of supplies this band of late 19th century outlaws will do what they do best in this new foreign land: Survive. He would come up to you, his head hung low and say, Listen, Im sorry, I was out of line. He wouldnt dare to look up, simply waiting for your answer. When Dutch intervenes in the fight he tells him of his success with John, ultimately feeling a sense of redemption because of this and no longer caring if he dies. You can check out my work here. This is where I post my fulfilled tumblr-requests, all centered around our favorite cowpokes. The player can have Arthur partake in various activities throughout the story, as an outlaw both within the Van der Linde gang and outside of it, that will define his . Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. This proved to be very useful later in the story when Arthur tries to find there whereabouts of the gang after his return from Guarma. This concerns Arthur, and his friend Charles, greatly. Lenny can request Arthur to find him a pocket watch and in return will leave Arthur a stick of dynamite at his tent. This gains both his and Dutch's admiration and respect, to the point where even Dutch reprimanded Bill for not respecting Sadie. The incident devastated Arthur and he never truly coped with the loss. Despite this, he agrees to work with Arthur for his people's sake. Eagle Flies meets Dutch van der Linde when he comes to ask Arthur for his help after the U.S. Army steals some of the Natives' horses, with Dutch and the gang agreeing to help. You say that you dont always write from your own perspective?, Mary-Beth shook her head. It mightve been fourth or maybe even fifth, but you couldnt tell. Later at camp Arthur can thank Charles once again, showing his deep appreciation. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke.
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