Kokichi was also suspicious about the "tiny bugs" that Gonta kept seeing around the school and as such, also asked Miu to make something called a "bugvac" in order to suck up the tiny bugs. Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run. He claims he lied again and that the real reason is a secret. Seeming to feel genuinely bad, Kokichi said he should be punished too, but Gonta disagreed and just told him to promise him that everyone will forgive each other and be friends. Underneath all of this, Kokichi appears to be quite childish and harmless. Still determined to defeat Kokichi, Maki resolved to kill him no matter what she had to sacrifice. Much later, it's seen that Kokichi has the life-like statue of Rantaro made by Angie hanging upside down next to his bed, as a part of the evidence pieces he has hoarded. As everyone contemplated what to do with the card key, Kokichi stole it and ran off, with Kaito in hot pursuit. Kokichi often tries to ask other people to join his organization, claiming it would have multiple benefits such as having all the food, sleep and sex you can wish for. Nagito Komaeda - 84cm. Status The real truth isn't that great anyway. Right before Kaede's execution, Kokichi had a blank expression (which often seems to indicate honesty in him), as he blankly stated "bye" and then mentioned that Kaede wasn't a boring person. When Kokichi cries and appears scared at one point, Angie comforts him by telling him about Atua, the god of the island. Afterward, Kaito showed up as well, and everyone got roped into a gambling competition. Everyone was skeptical at first until Kokichi used Miu's universal remote control to make the Exisals do his bidding to further convince the remaining survivors that he was, in fact, the Mastermind. His Research Lab is shown to resemble a stereotypical evil villain's lair, including a throne, yet it only has quite comical and harmless looking items. Haiji Towa - 85cm. I am a liar, after all! Kokichi Ouma | Sans Nagito Wiki | Fandom Both Kokichi's motivation video, and Rantaro's video to himself, would later be used as evidence during the final class trial to disprove Kokichi being a Remnant of Despair, as well as to prove the survivors memories contradict with the actual facts about Hope's Peak Academy, revealing that everything that had been implanted into them by the Flashback Light were all lies. Despite this, she is normally very calm when dealing with him, typically choosing to ignore him, save for the occasional glares whenever he manages to annoy her. To further his own ends, Kokichi kept this truth hidden but continued plotting. It was later fixed in the localization. I need you and your inventions. Thanks to Kaede's motivational speech, however, the panic died down and everyone seemed to become united. Monokuma appeared amused as he pointed out that Kokichi truly is an evil bastard. He is also notably interested in games and often has a strong desire to be a winner and play them seriously while also having fun along with them, with one of his principles being "to have fun" with everything he does. Y'knowsince I'm a liar. Top 10 Kokichi Ouma Moments (NUMBER ONE WILL SHOCK YOU!) He told her she can continue if she wants but forcing the others to join her is basically torture. During the second trial, after everyone had supposedly pinned down the culprit as either Kaito or Maki, Kokichi proposed that they all have those two argue against each other and convince the remaining participants on who is the culprit since if only two suspects remained, one of them had to know for certain that the other was the culprit. In the official art book, it is stated that he does not seem to care about his hair and the hairstyle is a result of him playing with ithowever, he does sometimes make use of the shadows his bangs form to make himself look evil.[5]. He came up with an original theory that enjoying the extreme thrill of cornering yourself with all exits sealed is the definition of fun. Considering his words nonsense, Kaede did not appear to truly listen to him. While he disliked people lying to themselves, he appeared to sympathize with them, and his speech ended up helping Himiko a lot. Kokichi overall never did anything significant during the time limit, not seeming to care about their current situation. Nevertheless, Kokichi bids Gonta his farewell, claiming he isn't a gentleman like Gonta. Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. I wanna win this, "If the thought of playing a death game doesn't excite you, you'll never win. Kokichi listened to her words seriously and later appeared to feel genuinely bad for her when he told the others about the conversation. After Angie's student council is formed, Kokichi is shown to dislike it and the brainwashing quite a lot, even having a few genuinely angry reactions as he furiously shouted 'oh come on' when he saw how quickly the students succumbed to brainwashing. In Chapter 4, Kokichi seemingly manipulated Gonta into killing Miu for him, because Miu had made it so that Kokichi couldn't harm her. He was a degenerate male, that was for sure, but he seemed different from most. Rouxls Kaard vs. Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) (ft. Snakebite126 - YouTube In the mastermind's rush, however, they accidentally overlooked slight inconsistencies and plot holes when linking both stories together, such as "Ultimate Despair" only referring to Junko Enoshima, and that Class 78 was trapped by the Ultimate Despair when they had actually locked themselves within the school in order to shelter themselves from the tragedy outside. As a result, the Ultimate Hunt started and spread throughout the world, and the sixteen students selected for the Gofer Project were hunted down. As Kirumi became increasingly erratic upon seeing the incriminating evidence, Kokichi slyly hypothesized that she had seen her own motive video. He forced Kaito to comply with his plan where he would kill him in order to create an unknown victim case so that Monokuma would not be able to create proper judgment during the class trial. They also wear different clown masks as a symbol of their group and supposedly to hide their identity. Kaede nervously tried to explain she didn't mean it like that at all, but then some of the other students intervened to support Kaede while some others were truly tired like Kokichi said and turned against Kaede. Kokichi found this suspicious and while he couldn't investigate right now, would make mental note of this and theorize that Maki was hiding her true identity from the rest of the group. Kokichi's Research Lab and dorm room would open up to everyone in this chapter. However, due to the mind manipulation of Team Danganronpa, it is unknown if they actually exist. Maki was eventually stopped by the others, dropping Kokichi on the floor. How tall is kokichi ouma? Right before leaving the room, Kokichi says he wishes to have more fun games with the detective next time they meet. Gonta cries out "I'm sorry" multiple times, but Kokichi reassured him that it was fine before instructing him on what to do next. He appeared somewhat curious about Korekiyo's anthropology lessons and seances, though this could be in a more mocking fashion as he did not appear to actually believe in the topics Korekiyo often talked about. Supposedly because of his intelligence, Kokichi strongly disliked boredom (though not as badly as Junko Enoshima and Izuru Kamukura). However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa. Kokichi tells him that games can be won without playing them, foreshadowing the end of the killing game. ", "This school is mine! yeah his birthday tweet from kodaka this year states he's turning 20 this year (june 2020) v3 was originally released january 2017 so i assume that kodaka intended for kokichi to be 16 and a half in v3. When he attempted to play with Korekiyo's katana without his permission while they're inside his Research Lab, Korekiyo disturbingly threatened to tear out all of his nerves more than once, which seemed to genuinely frighten Kokichi and made him stop for once. However, despite their extremely rocky relationship, it's been shown that Kaito can be more understanding of Kokichi and tries to think about the reasoning behind Kokichi's actions when he is calmed down. Appearance Kaito is a tall, young boy with gel-spiked purple hair that's grown out both at the top and bottom of his head, that Kodaka describes as a space jet coming out of a black hole and a short . He also lied about being the one who let Monokuma enter the spaceship, which effectively forced everyone to participate in the Killing School Semester. If I ruin society and, "If we're gonna play, we might as well play at the hardest difficulty, right?" After talking about it a bit more, Kokichi confessed that he lied about being the culprit, claiming that he wanted to draw out the real culprit with his lie. He claimed he didn't understand what Maki was talking about and appeared genuinely bothered by the fact that she was trying to restart the killing game, seriously asking her if she really did love killing that much. Super High School Level Supreme Leader). We'll scare the culprit until they screw up! During an event in the bonus mode, Kokichi claims that he truly respects police officers, who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public. There are people in this world who spread grief and misery for no reason than the thrill of it! "Yaaaay! They have traveled around the world and commit "laughable crimes" for fun, which could indicate that they could be a group of orphans with no families nor parents to hold them back. Similar horse head masks are worn by people all over the world for humorous effect and are a symbol of Anonymous on the Japanese web. Despite being chosen to participate, Kokichi and the other fifteen participants had no intentions of going along with the plan, not wanting to abandon their loved ones. Kaito would proceed to retrieve the video camera, snap the cords to the press machine to ensure it would not move again, and hid inside the red Exisal until the class trial began, where he imitated the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself thanks to the Exisal's voice changing function, as well as a book that Kokichi prepared for this exact moment that detailed his exact way of speaking and specific behaviors unique to him, essentially carrying on his will and plan until Shuichi is able to deduce that the person inside of the Exisal is not Kokichi, but Kaito. Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa. However, Monokuma shows up and denies this, never stating such a thing in the first place and that the medal Shuichi had was just some knickknack he made for the Monokuma Kubs. Him stepping through the floorboards proved that every single room was trapped, not just the middle room. Fitting his appearance, Kokichi often acts notably child-like, with at least some of it appearing genuine while part of it also could be just his attempt to use his looks to his advantage. Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. He's a walking lie or deception - at times in the extreme. His in-story age should definitely be older than 17, since V3-5/6. There are no depths I won't sink to. During the fourth class trial, Kokichi keeps making fun of Kaito, especially whenever Kaito and Shuichi have a disagreement. There, Kaito and the others who didnt assist in the ritual discovered Tenkos corpse lying in the center of the now-ruined magic circle. He frequently claims something only to shortly afterward reveal that he was just lying, making it very hard to trust his word. ", "Hm? It's also possible that he uses the dramatic crying as an outlet to let out some genuine strong emotions he is feeling yet is unwilling to show sincerely. Despite his best attempts to stay calm, Kaito sometimes ended up lashing out at Kokichi when the latter infuriated him, even punching him once. The remaining participants demanded that Kokichi explain the secret of the outside world if Gonta actually meant anything to him, but he refused.
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