Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. At the same time, Jesus DOES understand how manipulative people can be. Therefore He came again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. They reason that when a woman was ritually unclean (as in childbirth), she had to live apart from her family so as not to defile the household. The YouTube teaching series titled One Hour. He couldnt stop it any other way. Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God. Dr. Randall Smith Archives | Kerugma Productions We boast over military strength, but our television screens show that it is brutal in application. He made the ordinary into the extraordinary when it was set aside for His exclusive use. Look at the beginning of John 6 and watch Jesus train His first followers in this powerful lesson. But we believe them simply because people who did see them have left writings that tell us about them. Without Him we can do nothing; through Him we can do all things. This was a child born of miracle. I dont have to take a side here, and the truth is: my vote doesnt count in this exchange. He doesnt want to wash them with their saved up water in their old stone pot He wants to transform their water and satisfy their thirst with something they have never tasted before! He brought satisfaction to those who longed for deep truth. and has served as a youth director and various other local church roles. Romans 13:12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. is notable the men drew her past the outer doors that were normally reserved On what will you build your life. He started the miraculous with that which was willingly offered and humbly submitted for His use. 5 No eye looked with pity on you to do any of these things for you, to have compassion on you. Hope floods in and fills up space left uncomfortably empty by the assault of troubles. At this point in the narrative, I cant help feeling like Paul seemed to break into a song. Grace Church of Sebring 48 So Jesus said to him, Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe. 49 The royal official said to Him, Sir, come down before my child dies. 50 Jesus said to him, Go; your son lives. The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started off. He came to fill the emptiness with real substance. A profound testimony can produce great faith in those who observe your changes. Neither disciple factored in the power and presence of Jesus to fulfill the needs. Our faith isnt a public show our heart is connected to God on the most intimate level. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. This isnt about ME as much as it is about US. Next we need to examine the man and his apparent trust in Jesus (4:50-52). randall smith sebring church. , but rather making the point that we cannot and must not pander to the fallen urges that he summarized by the word lusts. Lust, in this context, is a strong desire once imbedded into us by God, but torqued through the Fall. Am I supposed to turn off my mind and simply trust whatever I am told about God that cannot seem to be explained? I must admit that I love to watch the sunrise in the morning out back of my house! The probatic pools were beside a well-established sheep market, and for a time the area was apparently dominated by a pagan Greek shrine from which the healings were reported in a superstitious way. Jesus said to him, Get up, pick up your pallet and walk. 9 Immediately the man became well, and picked up his pallet and began to walk. They dont appear to care as much about intimacy with God as they appear to desire controlling the actions of men. To each one it seemed to say, Come along, my friend! That same path in reverse direction is a mere five and one quarter to five and one half hours journey (because it drops downhill). Randall Sebring Records The text also reminds us that people of faith follow Gods Word closely, and must always be careful not to equate their preferences and deductions as equal to GODS STANDARD. Remember, Johns gospel included seven miracles, each recalled so that a reader might know more of Jesus, believe in His claims, and have life through that belief, according to John 20:30-31. Here is the central truth of the passage. It is easily masked by other symptoms, but that is the root. Read More. Did you notice there were three reasons why this focus on the other was marked out as very important: First, believers are commanded to seek to please our brother in a way that builds him up. The fact is: Beyond living out the principles ourselves, many of us have had to learn to project those principles into decisions we made as a family. The other day I was driving and I wanted to make a left on Thunderbird Road coming from The Home Depot. These were wrapped or covered, and often cloth was kept in a family home to be prepared for such an eventuality. None of us has seen the Norman Conquest or the defeat of the Spanish Armada. I have a confession: I have a tendency to walk fast, and I find myself often having to stop and wait for Dottie to catch up. Johnny was once a Harlem Globetrotter. Man concluded that he was alone AFTER the work God gave him. plotting to seize Jesus because He Randall Smith is a Director at Christian Travel Study Programs based in Sebring, Florida. How did someone actually figure out that if you take the grain head from the wheat, let it dry thoroughly, take off the husk of the grain, grind the head into flour, add water, knead it, cut it into small strips, lay it out in the sun to dry, take the dried material and boil it for a brief time you will have al dente pasta? After the cessation of blood and required time of waiting, a woman and her child would perform the necessary rituals of purification to be ceremonially clean and return to the household with the rest of the family. have cared were moved by the mans new eyes. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, Do you wish to get well? 7 The sick man answered Him, Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me.. As Jesus explained, the point of Do not murder was to place the weight of another persons well-being on your shoulders, and make us care about what we say and do to hurt or hinder one another. Sometimes, it even takes time to find out if the surrender is real: A young woman had become critically ill and her prognosis was grim; she would likely die within the year. He was a graduate of GCBI (awesome class of 2010!) True faith requires of us a change. The Bible repeatedly made the overt and specific claim that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who was the agent of Creation (Col. 1:16-17; Heb. The text is clear the man encountered his slaves the next day. How could this be? Despite the hair loss, chemo, and keeping an Excel spreadsheet of my kids schedules and sleepovers with friends and relatives, the lunacy of it all did not escape me. I have to believe that Jesus was (and is) God. Only God can do that. 16 Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. want to start up and go for about forty tries. They arent a problem; they are a blessing. When Jim opened the door, his face went into shock. 47 When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and was imploring Him to come down and heal his son; for he was at the point of death. He taught: The story recorded in Johns Gospel (4:46-54) is a profound and yet simple story but it requires you know something of the geography of where Jesus lived and traveled. I didnt recognize you there. Attempted to explain why many are leaving the American church. If you have dealt with CTSP, youve likely spoken with Dottie, since shes our customer service extraordinaire! She has a passion for the Lord and His Word, and is deeply rooted in helping others get the most out of their journeys. 9:35 Jesus You will not be hidden, for you are not called to be hidden! Kindle Edition. At the same time, Jesus DOES understand how manipulative people can be. This became very pointed when Paul connected the truth of submission to our use of money to demonstrate submission and honor. Romans 9-11). Jesus, who is Lord of the Sabbath, claimed that He had the right to make the man carry his things, since God ALWAYS WORKED on Sabbath (5:17-18). Exodus 23:4 If you meet your enemys ox or his donkey wandering away, you shall surely return it to him. We have a great deal of levity, but little real joy. We are all wrestling dragons of our own making. Randall Smith works at Daily Grace Church, which is an Organizations company. Here is what the preponderance of evidence suggests: If you have been paying close attention to the habits of people in our time, you know that most of us spend much more time conversing electronically than we do face to face. These opening words are called the Beatitudes. The setting was a hillside on the north of the Sea of Galilee, where Matthew noted: Matthew 5:1 When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2021 forest river georgetown gt7 36k7. 5 Therefore Jesus, lifting up His eyes and seeing that a large crowd was coming to Him, said to Philip, Where are we to buy bread, so that these may eat?. He kept it up until a hunter tracked the sound and shot him The moral of that story: When youre full of bull, keep your mouth shut. washed, and I received sight. 12 They said to him, Where is He? He said, I 10 Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I suspect posts would have highlighted concerns, and perhaps even voices of outrage at the following realities: Economic Inequity: The world seemed very economically divided between those who possessed the best things this life could offer and those who had hardly enough to survive, or were living paycheck to paycheck. People come to Christ because of our testimony something that only happens when we love and engage Jesus and other people. People there ate ham sandwiches and didnt like Jews much. Dr. Randall Smith shows from Zechariah 11 that the God of the Bible is a loving God for sure. One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. If that record is accurate and Jesus was speaking the truth, we are forced to conclude that knowing Him provides the one and only door to our Father in Heaven. attempt by the earthly brothers of Jesus to coach Him to go to the feast in Instruction Two: It isnt our job to decide if the others convictions are warranted for them, but it is our responsibility to recognize we all serve the same Master, Who alone is the proper judge of each of us. They are about attitude and they are intentional. That is called parenting. Finally, they tested Jesus against the prophetic Word of the Living God. car didnt think turning the key was something impressive enough to make it Randy studied in Jerusalem & holds degrees in Near East Archaeology & a Doctorate in Comparative Religion from Conservative Theological Seminary. Randall Smith in Sebring, FL Randall Smith may also have lived outside of Sebring, such as Montverde, Casselberry and 2 other cities in Florida. saw. away he didnt even know where Jesus was at the time! In short, what we NEED isnt what we think we WANT, and what we WANT isnt what will WORK. I am a Pennsylvania native and quick to correct the pronunciation of Lancaster. Romans 13:11 [Do] this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. He travels much of the year outside the US, meeting groups in various countries and offering a how does standing on this spot help you understand Gods Word better approach to teaching history, archaeology and the Bible at the location of its original events. 10 So the Jews were saying to the man who was cured, It is the Sabbath, and it is not permissible for you to carry your pallet. 11 But he answered them, He who made me well was the one who said to me, Pick up your pallet and walk. 12 They asked him, Who is the man who said to you, Pick up your pallet and walk? 13 But the man who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had slipped away while there was a crowd in that place.14 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, Behold, you have become well; do not sin anymore, so that nothing worse happens to you. 15 The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. Aaron manages our website and social media and designs our online and print content. Im the Academic Advisor on staff, and handle everything from writing rubrics to grading assignments. The sin that bound the man had crushed his life and left him alone and broken (cp. John 8, during that last great day of A friend sat with her and she told them she felt the Lord calling her to DO something. As powerful lobbies and political factions collided before our eyes, Americans saw the worst attributes of power players seep out in a drama that captured some of the largest ratings on American TV. I dont run the race; Lived In Sebring FL, Forest Grove . Faith is the ability to see the truth. Jesus Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Romans 14:5 One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. tension. I adores cats, books, and ice cream (especially if I can have them all at once). Jesus had no desire to render the Law void, neither by keeping it and thereby retiring it nor by cancelling it. 2 A large crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He was performing on those who were sick. We They wanted Him to take a side and they wanted to paint I wont join him, because I cannot afford the calories. The point is, the issues of consumption and celebration were not issues of debate when the text of Scripture was clear.
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