How one of them lied on the stand about ballistics? My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. In fact, I am surprised that people are not flabbergasted by the way this case was handled and tried and that what bothers them most is that I try to discuss it in a blog and dare defending this woman. She managed to jump in the car after getting shot in the arm. Everything was in the bag and ready for trial. Thats why Diane wouldnt agree to marry unless Knick first signed a premarital agreement that when they divorced, Knick would take nothing from their marriage. And on this site, I mention that I take a restorative approach. Despite all these misgivings, they chose to stay strong in the marriage and had their first child, Christie Ann, in 1974. The time was spent waiting for the clock to tick down the final seconds for all appeals to the parental termination to be allowed. In the nurses notes, she is described as in shock and unable to grasp the situation. It always feels like punishment at all costs. Children under the age of twelve may cognitively grasp the concept of truth and lie, but lack the conscience which compels people to apply the concept to their lives, or the strength to maintain the truth when adults coerce her to lie. Thanks again. Otherwise you just want people to fill your echo chamber that agree with you, tell anyone else you obviously dont want to debate me.., then ban, then hope for people to agree. No matter how much Ive read, or how many of her constant at the time interviews I watch on YouTube, the things that come from her brain to her mouth never cease to amaze me. I am sorry the meaning of nonsense evades you like the facts of the case in this instance. So move on. During closing arguments, Fred Hugi said that the murder weapon used by Diane was a Ruger, and the state had the model number and the bill of sale. It isnt there all the time. It probably makes you feel so good. I watched and worried through her escapeto find her childrens real attackerthat bushy haired stranger . Some would say that Diane Downs was condemned because of her lies and inconsistencies, but I think that it was mostly because of her disturbing demeanor and brash personality. It was known as Manic Depression. TOP 8 why didn't steve downs get custody BEST and NEWEST Seriously. I have worked in Child Protection for over 20 years and have extensive experience in this field domestically and internationally. Where is the blood spatter on Diane? In my blog, I was referring to the case of Liysa Northon whose suit was dismissed, but when Ann Rule tried to sue the Seattle Magazine, its editor and Northons husband for their article on her shoddy work, she lost and had to pay restitution. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). An earlier commenter wrote that it doesnt matter that the trail or the investigation was faultyWHAT !? If the media was anything at the time it was favorable towards her. We could say that it was suggestive on his part, but considering how this trial was conducted, I tend to believe it happened. In case you did not read the blog: During Dianes examination at trial, Fred Hugi said in front of the jury, in the form of a question, that she had been diagnosed as a deviant sociopath. I dont know that it could get worse than writing an asinine comment on a restorative justice website that states that only respectful and constructive comments will be posted. Jennifer Hudson didn't lose custody of her son David Jr. because she was an unfit parent, but rather because her work commitments meant she had to temporarily relocate to film The Voice UK. Blood spatter is not an exact science, and is interpreted differently by experts. Regina, I love your comment! It seems that a lot of what was written down never came up during testimony and some nurses even strayed from the original content. She did it. Yes, I had filed for divorce and then I canceled it. but later you claim Diane was inside the car and shot the kids in the car and that that BECAUSE she was inside the car she should have had blood splatter on herso WHICH IS IT, I dont know which it is Libby. They examined her clothes also. They had their second child, Cheryl Lynn, in 1976, followed by Stephen Danial, born in 1979. I followed the trial. Diane was right-handed. I actually can relate to things she did and was like, especially chasing after a guy that dont want youi did one night stands during my try to get over himits was a dumb idea and really made things worse, but it made sense at the time. I hope she is granted parole. If Diane was bipolar, the non-stop chatter would have been inherent to the situation: bipolar wasnt a diagnosable condition at the time of her first trial. She is currently in prison, serving her life sentence for the murder of one of her kids and attempted murder for the other two. Knicks habit of turning on and turning off their relationship was known to Diane long before he admitted it in court a year later (Appendix 81, page 1520, line 21): Q. It wasnt their fault, it was the job of the social workers and the courts to make sure the kids were not isolated from family. Read More: Where Is Robert Knickerbocker Now? You do not have to agree with my general opinion outside of the facts of the case, but I would appreciate some comments on what matters; how this case was handled at trial and during the investigation. When your goal is to call me dude, insult my name and trash my blog, you can go on other sites who will love to spar with you while swallowing the old narrative of high profile cases. Modernism mixed with Medieval state of mind. They had him micromanaged, and with the testimony of little Christie they were in business. ?.the fact you are ignoring something SO OBVIOUS is a red flag. I couldnt get my hands on the book nor find anything in librariesso basically it was many years later I dove into knowing more about this case, that kinda haunted me. I wanted to ask you something on this case. She talked to Diane for 15 minutes, there was thebizarre and partialOprah interview that was basically a lets bash Diane event and she wrote to Diane in jail to ask her what she thought of Hugi adopting her children. Christie was only eight, had suffered gunshot wounds and was in shock. This blogger believes in the presumption of innocence and in the possibility of redemption. Which is itself a redundant practise: the blogger repeatedly states that Downs should be released. One should also wonder why their biological father who was so eager to bash his ex on the stand was not given custody, and did not stay in contact with his two remaining children. Wasnt he the stranger? The tape of Christie and her adoption by the prosecutor are facts. I think DD is guilty, but I also think her trial was far from due process, and that is the important issue. Is there any update? The person who shot the kids was leaning inside the car because they were shot at close range. In this Battle of Cutthroats, Who has lost their head? Crime is entertainment and big money so this case will continue to be on the forefront and the same assumptions will be repeated over and over again. This is not my scenario Tasha. When Diane had failed to mention it herself, he even informed them that she had bought a .22 caliber shotgun in Arizona, just before she had left for Oregon. What was the rationale behind this? 3) You have a photo of Diane before the parole board. Around 1 in 20 residents in Arkansas and Tennessee were missed during the 2020 census, and four other U.S. states had significant undercounts of their populations which could shortchange them Most people negotiate the ups and downs of . I find it interesting for you to observe this because it should be more scientific and empirical today than it was in the 80s, but is it really? Or that they are not even curious about it. She even became a surrogate mother to make money and provide two parents the opportunity to have a child. a clinical lab to Dianes not being herself the day the Detectives pressured Diane to accompany them, the fact is Diane was clearly suffering the residual effects of that chemical poison in her system. Christie and Danny have no contact with their father, and they have completed their education. Whats more intriguing is that even after Diane became the prime suspect and lost custody of her surviving children, or when she was convicted, the kids didnt go live with Steve; they were adopted by the lead prosecutor in Dianes case. but I think there are some extreme cases that knock women in a bad psychotic way that can be life threatening. 2.Diane herself has stated that the shooter was outside the car and shot THROUGH the window, no blood spatter. It probably was not salacious enough for her readers that she polled online to establish if there was enough interest in the story to fill her pockets with a definite blockbuster. She said She did it. One of the more bizarre scenes in this farce of an investigation was about to unfold. Charlene would call Diane at all hours of the day and night to threaten violence if Diane continued on with her husband. As far as her innocence goes and the possibility of being paroled if she admitted her crime, Diane strongly maintains her innocence. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. Diane recanted the stories about her dad who vehemently denied them. Plus according to an expert at trial, her testimony did not match the blood spatter analysis in the car. It's not even known if he still resides in Arizona, where he used to live with Diane and their three kids. I saw that same face in Diane Downs. Yes, like many Americans, I think that the US system is barbaric. HUGE conflict of interest. Seems like she was her worst enemy. Diane, 18, had run away from home to do so. So appropriate! She said no mother would stop at 10 at night, in the dark, with three young children, to help a Bush haired stranger. You need to have your own voice," she said. You seem to care about my opinion and perception of some elements of the case and how the media poisoned the well in this instance, but what about the trial? The authorities believed that the children's father was not a good fit to look after the children after what they had endured when their mother tried to murder them. The details about the gun missing, the daughters testimony and the fact that she had no blood or gun residues are facts. Diane said that Cheryl was laying down on the front floorboard with the passenger seat pushed back. The judge who took away her children presided over her criminal trial. I just tried to find a video or article about Hugi and I only get the one or two that I already have. It was omnipresent in the courtroom as well as the Duran Duran song, The judge instructed them to continue on to force a verdict. I might not have put enough information to your liking, but I stuck to what came out at trial and not the fantasy factory coming from the state, the media and Rule. It deserved as much attention as a Unicorn, a song or all the other hearsay floating around because at least, they came from real people signing official documents. Mother of Diane Downs Asks Oregon Governor to Review Case and She was not given one inch of presumption of innocence. Is it the one you tried to use? In high school, she met handsome Steven Downs who saw her for the great beauty she had become. WTF? She has done her time in prison and I hope that she gets the chance to get out and spend time with her mother and siblings. But her behavior became the most important factor in the investigation that followed. After parting ways, the couple would soon meet again in Arizona which would end up in them reigniting and reconnecting their fling. After each of the kids was shot multiple times on that fateful day in 1983, Steve cooperated with the police completely. She did diagnose her as suffering from cyclothymic disorder and treated her accordingly. If not from her high profile status, she would already be out. Downs, born Elizabeth Diane Frederickson, was a 27-year-old divorced postal worker when she pulled up outside a hospital in Oregon in May 1983. Diane may very well be guilty, but YIKES this investigation and trial seemed so butchered and tilted in the prosecutions favour. In fact, Diane had consulted a psychologist after the tragedy and after months of consultation, she was never diagnosed as a sociopath. Gosh Donna, you really dont have a clue. One of the jurors finally declared we started as a group and finished as a group., He also said we dont want to put pressure on the group, we dont want to end up bickering. This case flew under my radar so to speak because it happened before my time. In her book Heart Full of Lies, Rule took so many liberties with the facts that Liysa Northon sued her. My guess is the grandparents were so overwhelmed with Dianes case that they let the system take care of the kids at first. During cross-examination, she said that she witnessed the murders while sitting up and that Cheryl was sitting up on the front seat when she got shot. When you hear her in interviews she sounds more concerned with herself than her kids. According to Rule and the court, the unicorn was a memorial to her children that she purchased after premeditating their murder.
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