Demri was a leech. We will met them (again) and all together we will party and laught up avobe someday. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. They didnt have it so they ordered one for me and thats what Ive been reading these last couple of weeks. I know its a picture and not a video but just thought Id share in case it could add to Layne and Demris pics. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. Their children. So beautifully said, I believe the same. Not knowing how dangerous heroin was, getting into it and then just not being able to get out not realizing when getting into it that it is something that someone cant get out of, seems just heartbreaking. Every story is different so I cant claim to say this is the best advice for every person with an addict in their lives. I cant get over how freaking gorgeous Demri truly is. They werent dating at the time, just sharing the apartment. Those guys literally made magic and Im so grateful to even have existed when they all did. I cant stop wat other people write but I hate seeing stupid stuff written so flippantly on sites like tumbler twisting around good peoples word. Demri lost that place in Feb. Because she could no longer afford the rent on her own. What always stood out to me was her sense of self. Jerry always had this I told you so thing going on. Its like someone out there looking for a job and you cant find one but you keep trying and trying but after a while you just give in to the fact that its not going to happen and you stop trying. She was vacant, self-serving and morally bankrupt. Stills. Its a terrible disease and I have seen so many patients that I treated and transported from the streets of Detroit that had it from shooting up. Demri was staying with a friends Dad trying to kick by the time I got out so she could come stay at my parents while I recovered from surgery and she had to be clean to do that. Layne and "Demri's" families have the right to mourn them with dignity and they have a right to remember their loved one's through very rose tinted glasses. The drug grabbed a hold of me and before I knew it I was doing dumb shit to get my hands on it. All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. Consider yourself having a friend in Iceland from now on. I just wish that they both had survived, Layne marrying her, but it seems that she didnt want to get married. The first one who loved and protected Layne (Jerry had music, yeah a hundred guys did, but nobody had Laynes voice and it was amazing. But I hope that you will. While watching Crossing Over, Layne turned to Mike and said, Demri was here last night. And actually now seeing how long this thread is and the content I am not interested it at all. They both died alone, I know Demris mother and Aunt were with her, but in truth, everyone dies alone. Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. I do not know how much truth there is in the message must have the attributes and say their name. Depends on the person but most would do anything to be all that their families wanted for and from them but addicts can get so far gone and lost that they cant see the light at the end of the heroin tunnel anymore and heroin has become their everything. (1969-1996) model, artist, grunge icon, beautiful soul Demri deserves her recognition as the true Queen of the Seattle Scene. Take care, Best Of Luck to you Ms. Jacqueline from Scotland. . Thank You! Layne had admitted that he was mostly finished with show business. Layne Staley believed that the ghost of Demri visited him just days before his April 2002 death. I never met Demri but I used to rehearse at Naf and played at the Offramp and RCKNDY , so I met Layne, Mike, Sean and Jerry a few times. We live in a world of selfishness. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, . I completely understand this, and I dont expect that everyone should like her, nor do I wish to make her into an angel or saint; she wasnt. great website. I also was a hard core heroin addict and my family and life suffered from it and I honestly did not have the willpower to save my self. Hes a different person on coke. I do know someone who read Mike Starr biography thing he did and said he really had tickets on himselfhe couldnt express enough how much women loved him. I meant she never *tapped out* not tapped it Ugh! Demri was five feet tall and tiny, and Xana was six feet tall and, like, Amazon. The Mad Season lyrics are generally regarded to be Laynes true feelings on everything and in Lifeless Dead he said How he wished that they would wed/I promise on our love she said/promises were never kept so we know he wanted to marry Demri at one point and for some reason I feel that he wanted to have a family. She attended high school at Arlington High School, Washington (1984 -1986). American Model (Adult/Glamour) Demri Parrott passed away on 29th Oct 1996 Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland, Washington / Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA aged 27. I have seen people/myself go from great people to completely changed. There are records showing that she prostituted in her last years, however Im not sure that her family want this discussed. Im not saying they were gay, lol! Hey everyone, im a long time lurker but never have posted not sure why. Once he moved to that place, I didnt talk to him. Such a sad story. Was it the pressure she felt? Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). Demri DID die of an overdose after not using for a short while,,,,She battled endocarditis for over 2 years which the doctors informed my family they were unable to kill (Ive often wondered if it was MRSA before it had a name,) She had a heart valve repaired and another replaced and the pacemaker implanted age 26. It was drilled into him how his life and career would be over if she OD on his watch so he was afraid to have her around if she was using. Which didnt bother them though because they took it like one big joke. What a cute smile! But sometimes feeling it completely is what we need to do. Then they put out Tripod and yet again Layne would not be able to tour because he was so sick. Haha! I also like to believe that there is an afterlife where we get to see our loved ones who have passed before us and we get to watch and protect the ones who are still here on earth. It is not that great. I was jealous of the model dip**** and I hated her. That would mean everything to me. And there used to be a girl in my life who reminds me of Demri a lot. Or did others drive her to where she needed to go? She loved creating decopage with 30s and 40s vintage style images cut outs from wrapping paper or old greeting cards. i was born after demris passing but reading about her and seeing her photos is truly enchanting. Cotton Fever isnt from dirty cotton its from injecting a microscopic piece when you suction up the heroin thru it. To be honest.. Ive never read Demris obituary but wed have to ask the person who wrote it why Rosheen was not mentioned.. maybe they did not want to confuse people? Enjoy the site and remember the point is to remember those who have DIED due to this reason. The fabric alone I spent thousands on which in the 80s is a lot, considering everyone else in that scene was flat broke. She was so young, so beautiful the tragic muse, a fairy. I was talking with her daily. It is possible. I originally posted feeling pretty down and Im sorry I vented about personal feelings that only tangentially had anything to do with Layne. I read somewhere that he was still living there during the Mad Season days and then I read somewhere else that he bought another condo in 94. I recently watched the Andrew Wood documentary and your words had me in floods of tears. But then I was never much more than a witness. I am not strong enough to deal with addicts bullshit anymore. Nope I wanna be up in a loved ones home on the fireplace mantel by the TV.some people really just dont care! Born Demri Lara Parrott on 22nd February, 1969 . Big hugs! Demri Parrott (demrilaraparrott)'s profile on Myspace, the place where people come to connect, discover, and share. I would love to see them all again, Thank you Niki! But why? Demri Parrott was born on 22 February 1969 in Bremerton, Washington, USA. (Doubtlessly there are some people who were there at these times and knew things differently. (I never knew about Demri until I discovered this site and got to know BarbaraI consider her a friend and thank her for putting this wonderful site together.). Again Thank you so much for sharing your story it is important that we all share our stories with each other openly and honestly so another person does not fall into the same trap. also if you look up Demri Parrott Dave Hillis, theres a pic of her in not great condition soon before she passed. and Layne almost backed out then, but the others talked him into it. I feel a very strange connection to him, like I can almost remember bits and pieces of his life through my own eyes. How can two people that loved one another so much come to this, is a question that all of us fans have asked at different times. He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. A few pictures..of Demri Parrott during her short life.. she made an impact that is for sure. Rare photo of Demri Parrott & Layne Staley from a photo shoot they did together. I cant stand the new AIC, to me you cant really replace a lead singer the same way you can replace a bassist or something (sorry but its true), but anyway. Thank you for sharing, although I dont know if you revealed way too many private details. Your site is beautiful if I were computer literate I wouldve corrected the writer it is nice to set the record straight . I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. EVER. Her smile, always sincere, always beautiful show who she was and how she was. The couple was already separated at that point, and while Staley had plenty of rock star money to finance his habits, Parrott's lower funds forced her to ultimately sell her body in order to finance her drug use. Thank you and I am sorry too just been very emotional lately with all going onno disrespect to this wonderful page or people. He fretted and fretted. Opiate Addiction is selfish to the core. Also I do know Rachel was trying to be there for Layne after Demri died and he did let her but he said not romantically. Alice in Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell took care of the cat Sadie when Layne died. Did you make it through? Laynes father could have been that positive influence, but he only helped drive Layne to an early grave. I wish they had suboxone and subutex available then instead of methadone clinics, I think it wouldve been easier on them. Ill try to sum this up as much as i can. Or they try to do 3x what they usually do or something stupid like that. . So im postive thats why Demri got so sick again after her heart surgery cause her new valve was so sensitive. Demri could pull of any look and this picture is a great example of her versatility as a model. She sometimes complained that she knew he was sleeping with other girls, but she also had relationships on the side too. Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley and model Demri Parrott's relationship started as a fairytale but turned out a tragic love story that people can still remember. And we all know about Laynes death, alone in his apartment for weeks before anyone found him. Then he drove to Bothell and unloaded the car at home and he couldnt get her to wake up. At the time of her death, she was clean, but for her last hours, she was at a friends house, who took her to Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, and recognized too late that she wasnt doing well on the pills shed ingested. Just some random thoughts I had. She was very sure of herself and this was apparently the cause of some of her problems with Layne. God Bless your sobriety! She wasnt out getting loaded and living it up thats Rachels story. Alright, I apologize then and I am very sorry to hear about what your going through. She was the biological daughter of Kathleen Ann ne Austin and Dennis Wayne Dougherty, but at the time of her birth, her 18-year-old mother had been married to Stephen John Parrott, aged 21, for 21 days. It means so much to me. Thank you for sharing this, I don't care how accurate it was. She was the "it" girl in Seattle in the early 90s and anyone who knew her and the club scene at the time I doubt would argue with me on that.". There are very few happy endings for heroin addicts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But not in a slutty way. Im pretty sure about it , Much love, peace and good karma to you! But she went one way for love, he another. I believe Layne when he said before his passing that Demri visited him. How did her kids get so involved with drugs and addiction? Think about it like this who could write a book about you? Then Jack shared the photos of Demri and Rosheen which made my YEAR! Ive read this a few places. It was for that, not because he was mean or wanted to date, he just wanted them both to get well and even said he wished Rehab had Co-Addictive Behavior Counselling for couples, which I was trying to help with at Wickenburg. This page is the FamousFix profile for Demri Parrott. However I also want her to know others have been there before and youre not alone. (Just noticed this now.) Hope Im making sense. Dope sick is horrible and unless you have experience it for yourself you wouldnt understand and the mental part of it is even worse. At 26 she was wearing a pacemaker. Everybody had their problems, not just Layne. I found the video I think but did not see any girl Thank you. Makes total sense that D and L were soulmates. . But he never said so outright. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. Not anymore thou. Previous Next. Many of us found them through Laynes music, which has evoked so much feeling and emotion from my heart and I just want to learn anything that I can from someone who actually knew & loved them. Its just a bunch of musicians talking about the music scene in the Seattle and surrounding areas.Theres a tiny bit about Demri in it. I have not read any of the books written about the era or the books written about my friends Mike and Layne. Not really a big deal The opposite occurred, she cut off contact with Layne save for minor interactions, she hustled to get money for smack. Pinterest. I had a rule for my comments if more then one link was added to a comment then it would be held for moderation.. this is to stop people from posting spam comments with links to their websites.. I have no doubt in my mind about that. A month after I saw her on the bus, she was dead. Once again, I am sorry you have lost so many people that you loved. The truth is that the drug more powerful than the mind and often times the only way for someone to quit is to be forcefully removed because the will power is not there. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver She didnt ask me, she didnt care. Darin was there but I wasnt because I was in the process of having my first baby and didnt even know about it until it was too late because I was out of the social loop at the time.. Again, another puzzle piece that helps to clarify who these wonderfully talented, beautiful, yet flawed human beings really were. Haha! Back in 93 early 94 Layne was seeing this dip**** model who did more harm to him than good. It wasnt a blatant thing, but it was definitely implied a couple of times that they wanted to know how he was. Why wouldnt she stay with Layne, or anyone, always running, to and fro, even before she got sick? It was the other way around. The distance between how young, beautiful and full of life Demri was in this pictures, and how much pain and suffering she must have suffered later in life, based on what you have shared, is so huge. I ask them to send me the strength I need. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). Well, I found two videos with the same interview, but I can not post the comment with the link and I do not know why. He hardly ever saw Jerry anymore, but Mike Inez was still kind of close with him. Barbara, thank you for replying to my post of 5/22. 1st I was not talking to you! I know that you have a busy life, but Ill never forget that you emailed me info on Demri, such as her liking of decoupage with Angels & Victorian art, which she used & put on boxes as gifts for friends. Again thank you. Addiction can change a persons priorities and also put huge dent in their moral compass even having children isnt enough for some addicts.. the one love that people cherish the most in their lives. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley . 1). Barbara D. I wish they were still hear every time I listen to him sing I cry its so sad Ive been fighting my addictions for 20 years its a daily struggle but the music keeps me alive for now I pray there together energy doesnt die the spirit is forever. But, how did it happen? I wish I could hug you and Thank you again for visiting my website and coming back again after 10 years thats crazy huh? I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. When they cancelled the 94 tour it was because Layne was afraid. I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist. Not sure why I just havent.. never even held one in my hands or seen one on the shelves. if she had no association with Layne Staley you wouldn't give a fuck about her. So go to youtube and search for this: Then again, all the dealers would come to his house anyway, because, hey, he was Layne Staley. Its easy for people to judge and if they can stick with you during good and bad thats a wonderful thing. A Subreddit for anything Alice in Chains related. Unique-Significance9 1 min. Risk factors include intravenous drug use). There is a girl in the right hand corner, she turns right then left while looking behind her. I hope that you get to write your own edition of a book about Demri and Layne. Demri Parrott was engaged to Layne Staley (1992 - 1994). They can seduce you and make you feel like nothing else can be as good to you. Beautiful, dedication, Demri, Demri Parrot, Picture, Pictures, Rest in Peace. I am good today but I did have to leave Seattle and start a whole new life away from everyone I knew. She is proud of us the same way we are proud of her, and she loves us as we love her. So sorry to hear about your Dad too and believe me I understand how easy it is to go back to the only thing we know made us numb again.