Speaking about the incident, Ms Tash said: 'I am upset and disturbed by what has happened to me. When people are persuaded to convert, she works to plant them in church communities for further discipleship. One such attack, and it can be called that, took place at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park this July. A CHRISTIAN preacher who was stabbed in a London park has revealed her horror at being attacked - as counter-terror cops investigate the incident. It is unacceptable, 21st century you haven't repented. It garnered little support. I would ask them, if they have not already done so, to contact police. Therefore, their violence is a kind of justified resistance, at least in its aims if not its methods. The fearless female evangelist returned to the scenewearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt to preach the gospel a week after the attempt on her life in London's Hyde Park. On her travels, she has collected many different editions of the, punched full of holes. Detective Superintendent Alex Bingley said:This was clearly a very distressing incident for the woman involved and officers have spent time with her, whilst she was being treated for her injury, to get an account of what happened. And so her distinctive approach of apologetics and polemics together was born. The 39-year-old is a former Muslim from Turkey who is. ', The Metropolitan Police told MailOnline that no arrests have been made, but officers from SO15 Counter Terrorism Command are 'working hard to follow up all lines of enquiry and identify the person responsible for this attack'. On Sunday, July 25, Hatun Tash was stabbed above her forehead, and on her hand at Speaker's Corner by a Muslim who would have killed her had not others chased him off (watch this video to see the attack).She is now fine, and under medical attention.Please pray for Hatun, for her quick healing, and a quick return to the unique ministry God has called her to, and pray that these attacks against her stop.Hatun Tash's DCCI YouTube site: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0MDB_oF7huA78BNADx9sQ/videos Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2021(54,950) Music: 'New Beginning', by Rafael Krux, from filmmusic-io Thats because it doesnt fit the liberal narrativethat Muslims are the victims of Western colonialist oppression. Not only does it believe it can negotiate with the genocidal Jew-haters of Iran. Hatun Tash has been the victim of yet another assault by Muslims. In October 2020, Sadiq Khan was asked about Ms Tash at Mayor's Question Time and said police had escorted her out of Hyde Park 'for her own safety' after a large and hostile crowd had gathered around her. The first incident on December 20 last year saw Ms Tash arrested for breaching coronavirus regulations. Sister, to be honest, Im so grateful I didnt say something else, because I dont fully remember what I said. Shes just glad it was something (to do with) the gospel. Because you never know, in those places you might say something which is so anti-gospel. This detail is telling. Freedom to believe, freedom to disagree, freedom to move and speak without fear.'. Im not up to date. She has seventeen names on her list. I would ask people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts.. Then, with her face covered in blood, she begins preaching to the crowd. Cops said Ms Tash sat inside a police van before being driven to hospital to be treated for minor injuries. Ms Tash, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, said that she has been verbally and physically attacked in the past while preaching at Speakers' Corner at the park. So who is Hatun Tash and why was she targeted? Speakers' Corner is a historic place for open-air debate, where people have gathered at Speakers' Corner since the 1860s to exercise their right to free speech. Jew-hatred is indeed central to the jihadis aim of conquering the west for Islam. London's Metro Police Media and Communications Manager Chris Humphreys told Newsweek the police force had nothing to add to their previous statement. London Metropolitan Police referred Newsweek to a statement released Monday that said no arrest had been made in the case and the department's counterterrorism command is now leading the investigation. The daughter of a well-known imam in Istanbul, who detected multiple contradictory Arabic versions of the Koran while teaching in Morocco, was stabbed multiple times at 3:30 p.m. last Sunday in the presence of police while she was holding a debate with Muslims. That was okay, she recalls, but I was never able to have proper discussions. When she first visited Speakers Corner in 2013 and watched more forceful Christian preachers at work, she realised that many of the Muslims in the crowd couldnt answer basic challenges to their own faith. She has been arrested twice in the past year. agree that your subscription will automatically renew monthly, quarterly or annually based upon your subscription She grew up in Turkey, and is apparently from a Moslem family. That was because the magazine had published cartoons making fun of Islams founder, Mohammed. As is made explicit in the Hamas charter, Islamists believe that from the French Revolution onward everything to do with the modernity they are pledged to destroy has been created by Jews. On her travels, she has collected many different editions of theQuranusing this to push the holes in the narrative theory, taking along a copy of theQuranpunched full of holes. No arrests have been made and a knife was found near the scene of the attack. Williams said the incident is the most serious in what the CLC called "concerning events" involving Tash at the historic place for open-air debate. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Hatun tash is also a rape apologist when a rape victim came to hatun and told her she was raped by two Christians hatun replied by saying "well done". If (the) Lord Jesus Christ is gonna get attention, yeah thats fine, Ill speak. By Robert Spencer 9:20 PM on July 25, 2021. Last weekend, a Christian preacher, Hatun Tash, was attacked at Speakers Corner in the capitals Hyde Park. Hatun Tash is recovering well after beingassaulted at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park last month. ', 'An attack like this is an attack on us all. Historic figures such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and George Orwell are all known to have visited to discuss the issues of the day. "Last night I told you of the stabbing of a Christian preacher, a convert from Islam called Hatun Tash, stabbed in the head and the arm as she was preaching at London's Speakers' Corner, a place symbolic of free speech in Britain. If she could address her attacker face to face, what would she say? Have a news tip? Her work has appeared in Plough, Quillette, the American Conservative and the Critic, among other outlets. Met Police spokesman told MailOnline today: 'No arrests have been made at this stage, but officers from the Met's Counter Terrorism (SO15) are working hard to follow up all lines of enquiry and identify the person responsible for this attack. I used to be a very friendly person, she grins. . "There is a huge backstory on this case, in terms of what Hatun has been preaching over the last three years. In mobile phone footage captured by witnesses, Tash is seen collapsing as a police car appears on the scenewith its siren blaring, but the police fail to apprehend the fleeing assailant while members of the public are seen trying to stop him. Hatun Tash, 39, a regular at the open-air spot where people. To remain anonymous, witnesses can instead call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, By Officers based in Westminster are working alongside colleagues from the Royal Parks OCU to investigate and identify the person responsible.. Ms Williams continued: 'This is not the first time that Hatun has been threatened and assaulted at Speakers' Corner. A CHRISTIAN preacher who was stabbed in a London park has revealed her horror at being attacked - as counter-terror cops investigate the incident. Last week, Islamic apologist Ali Dawah caused her to fall to the ground; he was even happy about what he did, and his followers were also praising him and justifying his actions. It's not about the blood on my hand. The CLC previously filed a pre-action letter on July 5 with the London Metropolitan Police seeking damages on Tash's behalf for assault, false arrest, false imprisonment and harassment as a result of repeated failures to protect her. And then suddenly likesuddenly just like She pauses, then shakes her head laughing. My attacker was not even afraid of the police as he did it right in front of them. This is a place where anyone can get up on a soapbox to orate and is therefore an iconic symbol of Britain's historic devotion to freedom of . Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly magazine. If you have a gift code you would like to redeem, click here. DCCI do not come to preach Christianity in speakers corner rather they come to attack Muslims and Islam. So Hatun Tash was guilty in the liberal mind of being an oppressive Christian who speaks out against Islam. Speakers' Corner is a historic place for open-air debate, where people have gathered at Speakers' Corner since the 1860s to exercise their right to free speech. Recently hatun was also stabbed by an alleged Muslim which received mainstream media coverage and yet again the whole of the Muslim community has been blamed and even targeted by the far right. 'We know that this assault was witnessed by a number of people, many of whom captured it on their phones. At some point she converted to Christianity, and like many apostates she went the extra mile condemning her former religion. Hatun is fearless. Mark Duell for MailOnline It is a heartbreaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called 'Islamophobic'.". Tash, who suffered wounds to her face and hands, is still recovering. But that doesnt mean Im gonna chop someones head off.I dont live in Pakistan, I dont live in Saudi Arabia, and I should not be banned., On the rainy July Sunday when she was stabbed, there was no mob. She grew up in Turkey, and is apparently from a Moslem family. The force are believed to be holding a meeting today to discuss how they police Speakers' Corner going forward, but questions are being asked about how the attacker got away so easily after stabbing the preacher. Tash has also been sent images of the attacker previously debating with her at Speakers' Corner," he said. Charlie Hebdo is the French newspaper that suffered a terrorist attack in 2016. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. "It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage.". She has carried this work beyond the park and across the capital, going into mosques and negotiating with the imams to book small weekly gatherings. "I am convinced I have not broken any law or incited hate. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, told MailOnline: 'It is extraordinary that the attacker is still at large given the video evidence and witnesses at the scene, some of whom, we believe, know him. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Police inaction has led to what happened to me (on Sunday). She left her previous house last autumn when the police showed up to deliver an Osman warning. Thousands more have been maimed, kidnapped, or had their homes and livelihoods destroyed. We know that this assault was witnessed by a number of people, many of whom captured it on their phones. It was in 1872 that an act of parliament set aside this section for public speaking. Today, Hatun Tash, the bravest woman in Britain was stabbed in the head by a muslim man at Hyde Park Corner. 'All I did was question Islam and I wanted to debate discuss and to tell people about Jesus Christ. Yearly: $120 a year, To pay in advance without a subscription, click here At some point she converted to Christianity, and like many apostates she went the extra mile condemning her former religion. As she says twice in our interview, Jesus doesnt say Oh yeah, people are gonna give you flowers and chocolates when you preach the gospel., Her Charlie Hebdo T-shirt drew attention on the day of the stabbing, but she tells me theres more to it than meets the eye. He slashed at her face and throat, causing her to collapse with blood streaming down her face as he ran away. A video of the stabbing filmed by a witness shows a large group of people standing in the park. Such is her passion for evangelism," added Williams, whose organization has been supporting Tash. Mark Duell for MailOnline, Orthodox Christian leader likens Sydney's Covid lockdown to 'mass slavery' and claims vaccines are futile in sermon, Afghan farmer denies he's allowed to lie to 'infidel' Australian courts under Islamic law while giving evidence against war hero Ben Roberts-Smith, Anjem Choudary is BANNED from Facebook and Twitter just FIVE days after the Islamic hate preacher set up social media accounts. Such Islamists believe that the Jews control the West; so to attack the West, they must attack the Jews. The preacher added that it is 'not about the blood on my hands' and continued: 'It is unacceptable that you are running away from Jesus Christ.'. Ms Tash said: "I am upset and disturbed by what has happened to me. Thevideo shows her out cold, surrounded by alarmed friends. So again, why was she attacked? I am asking myself if have done anything wrong? Thats because it doesnt fit the liberal narrativethat Muslims are the victims of Western colonialist oppression, and that therefore their violence is a kind of justified resistance, at least in its aims if not its methods. "It is heartbreaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called Islamophobic.. To this day, it's not uncommon on a Sunday morning to find crowds gathering there to listen to enthusiasts expounding on their views. Hatun Tash, 39, a frequent Christian proselytizer seen at the Hyde Park location, was attacked and stabbed several times by a man dressed in black with a hood and face mask aiming his stabs at. She has turned heads for years with her controversial tactics at the Corner. ", Chibber responded by noting that the complainant's email contained "a number of referrals interpretable as prejudicial and intolerant, based on a person's religious or other origin.". Ms Tash was later seen clutching her right hand close to her body and with what appeared to be blood at her temple as she was helped into a police van by officers who were nearby.