Applies to people of non-Thai origin. A black person(cricket) in a sea of white(the moon). Grose's A Provincial Glossary: with a collection of local proverbs, and popular superstitions, 1787, lists it: "Yellow bellies. Combination of Russian words "pizda" ("cunt") and "glaz(a)" ("eyes") Pronounced "peezdah-glahz." Black people were whipped while they were slaves. Italian men are often very short tempered and hot headed. The French called the Germans this in WWII. From Arabic "Firanji" or "Firangi" in Egyptian Arabic, meaning "European". Many people use it in Southern Florida referring to the latins (mainly Cubans) that come to South Florida and don't speak English well. BASIC PROFANITY: Bantha - A large, slow-moving hairy quadruped; an insult connoting the characteristics of such a creature, as in, "You brainless, lice-ridden bantha" (Knights of the Old Republic). traditional candle chandelier; the wife of the man of many wiles tone; traditional benedictine convents; abnoba goddess symbolFavoritos Iniciar sesin/Registrarse. They never wash their hands when they go to the washroom. White people that live in Africa are brighter than others at night. See also: JOJ, Just Off the Jet. Apparently used by other United Kingdom Inhabitants. Barmy - Stupid or crazy. Nerdy Blacks. "Dumb Polish," pronounced "deepee." in Korean) which sounded like they were saying "Me gook." The sounds made in old western movies by the Indians. Chinese people who try to act black; like Wanksta for white people. Printers are generally white. Refers to whites who try to be Asian. Brown texans, usually illegal and doing drywall work. Overweight white business men, on the typical. Khmer=Cambodian American=American Khmer + American=Khmerican. Also known as "suomalaine pekka", which means "Finnish Pekka". From the Italian word "Compare" (pronounced 'cumpa') meaning "a close friend." Refers to slave trading. They eat a lot highly spiced dishes seasoned with garlic. Reference to McDonald's new line of advertising campaigns marketed towards blacks. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Also applies to some Italians. Very dark black people are refered to as crispy, Relatively large black bird. Eskimo orginated from southern Indian tribes describing the northern Inuit, whom they were constantly fighting. Filipino Film Artist And Title Of The Art, The nocturnal rodent is often a symbol for death, corruption, evil, disease, gluttony, greed, infestation, fear, terror, darkness, torture, filth and . Turkish workers in Europe are degraded because of their darker hair color than German races. Implies that all Australians are descended from the penal colonies early in Australia's western colonisation. Pronounced "baht-see". How to use bastard in a sentence. The whites that live in the country. Mexicans use it to refer to white people: bolillo=white bread bun, Enslaved African-Americans told tales to their children of a Boogie Man who would abduct you, kill you or otherwise cause harm to you if you were to leave the plantation. Note: The word "shiptar" is most likely derived from the name of the Albanian language - "Shqiptar". May technically only refer to Portuguese people. French WW2 term. Could also refer to the Gar, a fish similar to the piranha, found in streams in the Southern US and eating by many Southern Blacks. Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). Zulus called whites this, meaning the white scum that forms in the surf. One foot on Africa, one foot on England and their prick dangles into the ocean. is rat bastard a slur. Might be from the albino guy in the movie Powder. When the Europeans united to crush the Chinese boxer rebellion, Kaiser Wilhelm II said something like "let the Germans strike fear into the hearts, so hell be feared like the hun!" Old myth that if one were bitten by a nigger with blue gums, they would die. Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. Asians that go to arcades and play one game for hours off of a single quarter. Because they constantly wear the clothing line Nauitica, yet very, very few own a boat. Used a lot by Charles M. Schulz in "The Peanuts" comics & cartoons. Word defined as "an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.". During Chinese festivals, its typical to see many people in a long dragon costume in which they bounce up and downusually in larger celebrations, Refers to the food. Strongly derogatory. John Deere is a popular tractor manufacturer. Used in Australia. Kunta Kinte's daughter from the movie Roots. On one level, Inglourious Basterds is a love letter to the power of cinema. Southern origins. Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority. A reference to the peace sign of the 1960's being similar to rabbit ears. From the Staurday Night Live character played by Adam Sandler. A play on wetback. This slur originated in the 60's and 70's. Means like a bad term for white housewife, bored crooked ass homemaker. Irish, especially during the late 19th early 20th century, were thought of as no better than "niggers," and conversely, blacks were associated with them. Makak is some kinda ape. "Bat-gwai" is the Cantonese for "white ghost;" or as we more commonly hear it translated, "white devil." South Africa Afrikaans for 'salt dick' as English South Africans have one foot in SA, the other in UK, and dicks in ocean. Scandinavians are known for eating lots of fish. A lower-class white guy who drinks beer and watches hockey. Or French born in North Africa. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". 1. Bourbon are brown coloured brown cream filled biscuits. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. Yeti (Abominabol Snowman/Snowmen) live in the Himalayas. Also used in the porn industry to refer to white actresses willing to fuck black men. Used during the vietnam war referring to VC or Victor Charlie. They huff gas to get high as they can't afford real drugs. Schemies are the ones who have never worked and lived on state benefit their whole lives, frequently deal in drugs and stolen goods. ', Hispanics/Black mix. "We ain't Spoda be here." A fairly common Italian insult is stronzo, which corresponds to "asshole" in English. Stands for "Nigger Out of Gas". The Greeks invented democracy and some say homosexuality, Greeks in general love lamb, but also it makes reference to Greek women's hairy sideburns. (we aren't supposed to be here), African's naturally bouncy/kinky hair, when uncut, tends to be big and poofy when dried out. Thieves in the Arab countries get their hand chopped off. White Trash. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. I.E. Literally means "peanut". Refers to John Rocker's comments about New York and how it would be something that a stupid ass redneck would say, Refers to the Rebels in the American Civil War, AKA Southerners, Inuit (Eskimo) word for any non-Inuit. Reasons unknown. T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by independent artists. A person who is, for example, of both Black and White ancestry. The Organization of Petrolium Exporting Countries, Arab (and/or Muslim) women wear clothes that resemble pajamas. Yellow Elvis. Ones that can't swim across the border. Shortens to Ricer. American whites. The generally accepted derivative is from the ultimate ghinder, Mahatma Gandhi. Thais, living in Thailand, refer to the Indians (who have been in Thailand for at least 200 years, I think) as Kaeks, which means "guest" in Thai. Reference to the holocaust when Jews were often worked so hard, they were turned into a mere pile of bones. The Bounty Bar is a coconut filled chocolate bar, so it's brown on the outside but white on the inside. When the slave ships had a troublemaking slave-to-be they would drop him off on a small island or rock in the middle of the ocean thus 'marooning' him. is rat bastard a slur. Commonly used by American minority groups (blacks, hispanics, asians) to refer to white people. Blog Inizio Senza categoria is rat bastard a slur. Also: Carpet Jockey. From the Polish word for Lithuania, Some Jews do not consider this an insult but ethnic Lithuanians do. However, its use parallels that of the word "nigger" in the United States. Stands for Black Moving Objects - refers to the complete head-to-toe black dress of Muslim women. Japanese people who act black. Technically a term of affection but still sounds funny. Cambodians did not trust them. Star Wars reference to the Tuscan Raiders, nomadic desert dwellers that no one likes. Britannica Dictionary definition of BASTARD. Nigerian word for White people. Pronouced "milk," made due to misrepresentation of national holidays. Used to be popular with political types who were down with their "African Roots." Ebonics: "I gave the bitch crabs and the hotel everybody.". Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. Used to refer to fat Italians. Black children. Usually thought to refer to a woman's vagina, but this is fairly, Usually associated with natives, but also used for anyone in a relationship with a native female. Innocent human beings were born into a world where they were enslaved from the cradle to the grave just because they were black. Speech XIII. Most of them are dirty, as they dont bathe and therefore develop dandruff, hence the lamington look (a lamington is an Aussie cake - sponge cake with black/brown icing then rolled into dessicated coconut). and via submissions from people like you and your parents. Name of a Native American who helped the English colonists in Massachusetts develop agricultural techniques and served as an interpreter between the colonists and the Wampanoag. Used by non-native Malays. The word was considered an insult because in the old days, bastards couldn't inherit anything, and in a society built on a strict class structure, that was a big deal. Eminem is referred to as "Elvis" in the film "8 Mile". Hispanics do a lot of construction work and are usually paid very little or nothing. Flap Grease. Rimmer even called the ship's computer Holly a "jumped up filefax". Used by Ukrainians, because of the arrogance of the Moscow citizens. "Apni" refers to Indian females. Also could mean "Working On Pavement", or refer to "guappo," (pronounced "woppo") a slang Italian (Neapolitan dialect) word meaning criminal or bully (strong person). (Rude and derogatory.) Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. From the 2002 movie "8 Mile". Combo of tomahawk + honky, Native American character from The Lone Ranger. Sed quis, Copyright Sports Nutrition di Fabrizio Paoletti - P.IVA 04784710487 - Tutti i diritti riservati. Sometimes shortened too boon. Used by hockey players to make fun of blacks playing basketball. Was probably originally coined in the Boer War when the British/Afrikaaneers were fighting the Zulus. A Jewish person that acts Jamaican or Rastafarian or is half Jamaican. There has been a sizable Greek community in southern Russia for many generations. Joe" in World War II. Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito. When the British took over India, they used it as a derogatory term for the natives there. A black guy who acts white. "Holy. For that reason all the new Asians who are around you in e.g the work force, school. Insult used by western born Pakistanis against other Pakistanis who are acting like they are "straight off the boat". Not any more a slur than Jew is. Often used to describe a crowd of African Americans. During the Industrial boom of the auto industry and OSHA'a requirement of safety precautions, workers were required to wear steel-toed boots. Whites who act black. The latest Tweets from Rat Bastards | STAKING LIVE (@RatSolBastards). kusobaba = to insult a grand-mother / kusojiji . For their "jet black" skin. Ro (Roshia) means Russia in Japanese. Black people are known to drink "40"oz beers. From "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. A large number of Appalachian settlers were Scotch-Irish, and the term arrived with them. Cantonese term used to refer to American-born Chinese, Cockney rhyming slang, chink = kitchen sink, Chinese delivery person, mainly 'Is that Kung-Fu with my Lo Mein?'. BFI, the name of a waste disposal company, is on the side of their dumpsters. coined by "The Chief", June 2000 RIP They name their kids by throwing plates down the stairs and seeing what sound it makes. May be from "Jake and the Fat Man" TV show. Black/Chinese Mix. It's a slur because only the rich Indians would come to western countries years ago, a flood of patels. (Which is true, owing largely to their being immortal but lacking an afterlife.) Made popular by the movie ". Zionist Occupation Government - Written near the body of murdered radio talk show host Allen Burg in Denver, Co. KATUSAS - Koreans augmented to the United States Army, commonly referred to as Biscuit Heads by American GI's, because of their square heads. In the 1990s, however, the racist slur stayed in force in response to Japanese success in American economic markets, as shown, for example, in a bumper sticker reading "No Jap crap for . A person who has many different races in his blood. Used in the TV show Married With Children where a gas attendant was an Indian. White men, or any non-hispanic, who date hispanic women. Refers to Canadians who cross the border to shop for big blocks of inexpensive American Cheese. Derogatory term used by South African whites during the apartheid era, now considered an offense and beeped out from the media (like an ordinary curse in USA), Black women that are nannies. Blacks are thought to love Kentucky Fried Chicken. Japanese tourists tend to wear cameras and take pictures 24/7. Used mainly by Blacks to refer to a really pale White person. Comes from the name "Athabaskan", an Alaskan Indian group. Know-it-all Jewish women. Mishweya for females. Seekh Indians wear turbans because their religion dictates that they may not cut hair. It means "Turk," a much-hated nation by other Arabic states, in Spanish. The KKK is condemned by most "Confederate" organizations. This word is mostly used as a slur. Still observed in heavily-Catholic areas (they even have school/church fish-fry Fridays). Same vain as Point-Six. Black women have a tendency to violently shake their heads in heated conversations. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon". Stay away from Albert, he's a real rat-bastard when he's drunk. When in France, many of the French heard the Cajuns speaking in a French that was both very old and in a French that had some very odd words. In reference to the Uncle Tom character in the famous 1852 book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. If you're looking for the best collection of hilariously offensive racist jokes, you've come to the right place! They play baseball and soccer with crushed cans. C. 1940s. From the similarity between their skin color and the color of smoke. Means "large" or "fat" in Spanish. One of the few jobs blacks were allowed to do after enlisting in the U.S. Navy was food preparation.