For all of the latest conservative political news that is happening in the United States and also the world please check out videos on rumble, bitchute, or brighteon. We've created a Take Action Toolkit to Grow your business, Enhance the quality of your life & Make a difference - Especially in your communities! TRY to THINK of ONLY POSITIVE and LOVING THOUGHTS AND * SMILE *, STAY the LOVING HEART-CENTERED BEING YOU ARE! Thank god that we still have patriots such as Kash Patel and also Ted Nugent who continue to fight for this great nation. Join my Locals community for exclusive content at. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); VICTORY TO THE LIGHT Now the PROCESS of ARRESTING the last HOLD-OUTS ! This video displays that this is not a small group of people in this gang. Most of America chuckled at the stupid wokeness of a Neil Young.,,,,, SG Anon w/ Scott McKay (Patriot Steetfighter) A MUST See/Listen! Rogans simple use of the word as a person of pallor, regardless of context, is verboten, and in his apology, he claimed that was correct. But is trying to get the truth out on our social media platforms and our videos. WE are NOW in the MIDDLE of the birthing process. As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. PLEASE NOTE: WHEN SELECTING A CONTRIBUTION METHOD FROM BELOW! ***********************************. You also already know that when CNNs in-house medical expert Sanjay Gupta, who had sat by and allowed the channels idiot hosts to characterize ivermectin as snake oil on air, was humiliated when he was a guest on Rogans podcast. They dont like him because hell ask those questions. BILL MAHER afraid TRUMP will send him toGITMO! ",, WATCH The Patriot Service Announcement (PSA) About The Movement To Ban The Machines! WebEvent 1030-1200 Honoring Scott McKay. SG Anon discloses information that not even your Scott McKay had been privy to. The saga of podcaster extraordinaire Joe Rogan and the music/audio platform Spotify took a predictably nasty turn last week. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). Most people in the freedom movement know Patriot Streetfighter, but very few know Scott McKay, the kind, gentle soul behind Trumps Victorious Return It Is Happening NOW. / ! You already know all this. Hell ask questions, and hell examine every premise. Jim Willie & SGT Report: The World vs the Khazarian Mafia. Lara Logan, Elizabeth Enlow & Steve Shultz: They want us to Eat Insects while they Dine on the Blood of Children, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz speech at CPAC 2023. Juan O Savin & PraiseNPrayer: Is there a Worldwide White Hat Operation to save the World? GOD QUOTED: Will we finally get justice this year? If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] Do not venture where there is no love. This website is ran by just me. Where does he feel that the minds, moods and attitudes of the American people are? Should Joe Rogan host his podcasts at Rumble, that platform would instantly become a top-tier web destination (Rumble isnt far off the pace; as of last month it was up to 39 million monthly active users) and it would change the game significantly. Everyone saw what happened when 20 brave Republicans demanded change in a corrupt town. MARKETPLACE: Buy Products & Services From 57 Well-Known Brands, Websites & CompaniesBusiness, Personal, Health, Preparedness, Sports Apparel, Patriotic Gear, Free Tools & Much More! He is a Trump and MAGA loyalist and he is always extremely passionate when he talks about how the United States military is really in control. THANK-YOU to ALL involved with this. CPAC kicks off, Hobbs exposed, Rogan drops more Red Pills, PRAY! Some of the criminals from MS-13 are coming to America from our Southern Border! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. ! SGAnon with Conservative Patriot Nation Network W/ UPDATE ON OHIO, UKRAINE, DUMBS. Mel K has a fantastic conversation with Sean from SGT Report about the intense battle against the evil globalists and deep state. WebThe science has spoken. Is Mass Immigration Killing Two-Party Democracy in the U.S.? This is our last chance to Save America & we can do it by working TOGETHER! You have had many lifetimes. 6,833 views. Remembering, embodying, and expressing your true Self. Not to be CONFUSED with those LIGHT-BEING REPTILIANS who are HELPING Humanity. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. This is a MUST SEE share to all those awakened and those who arent. WebCredit: Rumble. Trusted We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. . ALERT: Can you NOW see it? I will guide you. In one hilarious episode, Rogan had a talking sex doll on the show and his freakout level went off the charts. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. An Act of War. 3, 2023, Cathy Buckles Letter from Zimbabwe, Mar. Some of the big topics discussed are Pete Buttigieg's handling of the Ohio disaster, Biden crime family and January 6th footage. She discusses treaties that were made during the 1950s. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PUT YOUR INFORMATION INTO BOTH FORMS TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION, PSF LIVESTREAMS: Mon - Sat 7:00 PM EST & Tipping Point Radio: Monday 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST. One News Page. RDS Resurrection Tour is now in motion and we've been invited to bring the Patriot Streetfighter Tour into the mix with 84 stops around the nation over 4 months beginning Mid-May. Listen To The Covid Episodes, Facts, Truth & Get All Of The Resources To Overcome The TyrannyAwareness & Awakeness Will TriumphRemember, GOD WINS! For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go., WATCH & LISTEN TO "Our Joshua Moment" Series, LISTEN LIVE TO THE "EVERYTHING HOME" TALK RADIO SHOW - Mondays @ 12pm PT / 3pm ET. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. FORGIVE yourself and OTHERS ALL-WAYS, but that DOESNT mean, to be a doormat. Information is Light. in STUDIO B (Mobile device tilt sideways to landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-7038). Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State. EVERYONE CAN NOW GET IN THE FIGHT We just need 1 county to cave! YOU have been MALE and YOU have been FEMALE, YOU have been different races, religions and sexes, lived different cultures, give up all the racist attitudes ! This happened as a number of washed-up recording artists from the 1960s and 1970s whom nobody thinks are relevant anymore, among them Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, took the meaningless and virtue-signaling step of demanding Spotify pull their music off its platform if Rogan were to remain. I will help you. You will be pure LIGHT BEINGS soon. So I depend on this website for bringing in revenue to keep the site going and also to live. The order of how we move forward is simple: Lucy DiGrazia, Worship Leader, Scripture Expert & Faith Advisor will Inspire, Motivate & Teach you HOW to get on Battlefield to Save America & Yourselves! Julie Green once again tells us the message that she is being told to tell us and to additionally continue to keep faith. The Revivalist Manifesto: How Patriots Can Win The Next American Era, Why J6 Transparency Frightens the Democrats, Dear Comrade Angela: History Isnt Always Black and White, The Naming Commission Strikes the Naval Academy. Click below to find out more about Operation Tomahawk! After surviving and rehabbing himself back from a near-fatal, catastrophic, and paralyzing motorcycle crash in 2014 to complete mobility, he got back on the political firing lines with the entry of Donald Trump into the fight. WebBrowse the most recent videos from channel "PatriotStreetfighter" uploaded to Kerry and Patriot Underground talk about many controversial topics in this discussion. WE WILL UPDATE THE PATRIOTS ON OUR VIDEO PLATFORMS & ON THE WEBSITE ABOUT ANY CHANGES AS THE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE TO US! SG Anon lets us know what he accepts is occurring behind the scenes in this new audio file 42., WATCH THE INTERVIEW WITH: Jim O'Connor & Christine Reagan - Episode #367,, WATCH Michele Swinick Join Steve Bannon On The War Room,, WATCH Tina Peters of the Movie "Selection Code" - "If We Don't Get This Fixed, If We Don't Expose What They're Doing, I Believe We've Lost This Country! TRY NOT to let the LYING CRAZY ILLUMINATI NEWS DETOUR YOU! Its to whip him so badly that he realizes his course of action will only result in pain. These voting machines are an existential threat to our democracy, and we must discontinue their use to guarantee legitimate elections and the continuity of our nation. We are calling on elected officials, major donors, groups and the general public to JOIN US in this fight. Rogan forced Gupta to admit the statements of CNN talking clowns like Brian Stelter and Don Lemon about horse dewormer were lies. More than 50 studies have shown the drug to have positive effects in reducing symptoms or aiding recovery for COVID patients, but the National Institutes of Health says there is not enough data to recommend it as a treatment for COVID. We are a small company & we depend on donations to continue to operate to help in our efforts in supporting the Trump movement!! Not that I want to tell Joe Rogan his business. from your [YOUR HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SELF] to PROTECT YOU daily and INVOKE the GOLDEN RAY of CHRIST in a BALL 2 feet around YOU. These politicians are desperately trying to censor people on social media because the truth is all coming out now by the droves. We also discuss SPACE FORCE and the complexities of the battle for It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. ONE location with all the information to enhance the quality of your life, give yourself more professional, personal and financial freedom, and our favoritePromote Patriotism! Scott has discussed this topic before, but here is NEW Intel as to what is For the Latest Palbulletin posts please visit: Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Want to know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? Telegram the Most Downloaded App Globally in January, WhatsApp Slides to Fifth. Thankfully we have courageous people such as Mark Wahlberg who are not afraid to discuss what they truly believe. Yet again he takes a look at many reports that conservatives urgently need to know more about. Second, it is violently opposed. Rumble 28 Feb 2023. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. After surviving and rehabbing himself back from a near-fatal, catastrophic, and paralyzing motorcycle crash in 2014 to complete mobility, he got back on the political firing lines with the entry of Donald Trump into the fight. Check out this MS-13 Prison Video from El Salvador. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. - The Divine Mother., * On the Importance of the Universal Laws. * Send "Thank you" message to Scott; Tell Scott Your Story! (LogOut/ Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. But the woke mob smelled blood. James Grundvig has an interesting discussion with Bo Polny on what he thinks might happen very soon. HEAVEN is dealing with him so dont worry he cant hurt you. Freedom Of Reach? Buy Gold, Buy Silver This bioweapon attack on humanity cost us $20T, millions of lives, and our freedom. Laura Eisenhower & David Nino Rodriguez: Dwight D. Eisenhowers Granddaughter talks about Aliens, Nazi, Treaties & more! Because, if there is no love, then there is no truth. And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. There is just one way to stop a bully. Your content goes here. Yes . PLEASE NOTE: WHEN SELECTING A CONTRIBUTION METHOD FROM BELOW! I've agreed to take our separate brand across the ** JOIN US for 1 Hour, each Wednesday, to Learn, Pray, Worship, Meet Like-Minded People, Ask Questions & Sharpen your Armor to WIN the Spiritual Battle between Good & Evil! He apologized to Spotifys workers for things Joe Rogan said years ago in contexts that were not outwardly offensive, but said this: While I strongly condemn what Joe has said and I agree with his decision to remove past episodes from our platform, I realize some will want more. To Share All About Your Business, Organization & YOU! SGAnon BUSTED for REAL (Suck it Scott McKay) || Rumble ONLY Sing Along || Patreon After: Donations.. News video on One News Page on Wednesday, 18 January 2023. Powerfully Designed by, Executive Solution Systems LLC. Kerry Cassidy & Patriot Underground: Train Derailment, Planetary AI war, Tesla tech and much more!! Donald Trump Jr. has a great conversation with the chair of the House Judiciary Committee from the CPAC event in Maryland. HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. The music industry has been a place where the envelope of decency has been pushed over and over again, after all. MOTHER and FATHER GOD came from ANDROMEDA as the HOUSE of RA to be with us and help with ASCENSION for 25 years and HOW BEAUTIFUL is that everyone ! God doesnt call the qualified, He qualifies the called. WE are at 168,000 ARRESTED of the EVIL CABAL so far., REMINDER! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Michael Jaco and Scott McKay have a great conversation on a number of things that are happening to reveal the many criminal operations that the deep state have been leading. (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. They talk about many political topics including the horrible train accident that recently happened in East Palestine, Ohio. I added the direct link to the Video on Rumble. Nobody else in the podcasting/talk radio/talk TV is generating an audience of 11 million like Rogan is. TikTok Bad Wednesday, August 5, 2020, Kat Anonup Update: Winning Bigly, Dark Angel Over Dallas, Nancy Pelosi June 10 2022, Stargate Newsletter: Reassuring Video on Placebo Jabs, DIVINE and UNIVERSAL LAWS to protect DIVINE ROYALTY on EARTH etc. There ought to be consequences, and Rogan should blow up the status quo. Rogans show will cover virtually everything under the sun politics, media, healthcare, fitness, comedy, and more. Monster Interview with Anti-Vax Giant Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. Today he hosts a radio show he created onRevolution.Radiocalled The Tipping Point where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. Today he hosts a radio show he created onRevolution.Radiocalled The Tipping Point where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings. NIMROD was an EVIL BABYLON KING. PRAY! Many people have been claiming that 2023 will be the year of the whistleblower. SAINT GERMAIN announced NESARA to the LIGHT WORKERS. Michele Swinick joins Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter, to warn We The People about the consequences if the Voting Machines are used in the 2022 Midterms & how we can BAN THE MACHINES IN ARIZONA TO SAVE AMERICA! Follow SG on Truth Social at @RealSGAnon and on Rumble as QNewsPatriot of this PROCESS. X22 Report Episode 3011: They will Need to Expose their Plan, Sacrificed Public Trust Just to Get Rid of Trump March 022023, Company Gives FREE MEDICAL CARE To East Palestine VICTIMS: Feds ABANDON Ohio After TOXICTRAIN, Dr. Michael Salla and Jean Charles Moyen: Encountering Space Arks and their Guardians on Mt Fuji and Mauna KeaVolcanoes, Kat Anonup Update(s): Bin Salman, No Escape, No Deals, X-Files Med Bed Video, White Hats Mar 032023, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza March 022023. Bitchute And NOT inside every CHURCH or souls gather. Conservatives Must Unequivocally Reject Scott Adams Arguments, Something Worthwhile About Spain (And Its Not the Government), That channels hosts attacked Rogan for treating COVID with horse dewormer,, openly discussing the need to deplatform and cancel Joe Rogan, Most of America chuckled at the stupid wokeness of a Neil Young, it was up to 39 million monthly active users. This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother., To Follow All Patriot Streetfighter broadcasts go to Skip to main content. Liz Crokin on Eye of the Storm: Child Trafficking, Epstein and More! Today he hosts a radio show he created onRevolution.Radiocalled The Tipping Point where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. 2.3K. His maiden voyage LIVESTREAM Post-Election video rocketed to 345,000 in 13 days to entering him into YouTube Censoring Stardom. NO EVENT OPEN FOR SPONSORED DINNER. Donald Trump Jr interview with Jim Jordan at CPAC. 3007b Trump: At The End Of My Next Four Years The Swamp Will Be Drained, Country Returned, On The Fringe: Deep State can not Move Fast enough anymore. (You can unsubscribe anytime). TEACHERS and MENTORS ARE ALREADY HERE so GET READY TO MEET THEM ! Spotify ought to be defending Joe Rogan to the hilt and taking a stand for free speech, and Spotify ought to be scolding some of these washed-up clowns attempting to stoke a crisis in order to recover some relevance by informing them that, were the standards applied to Rogan applied to them, Spotify might have to take down their content as offensive, too. Theres a problem, though. Want to be in the know? Subscribe and share @TrumpSource 4 153 4 Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter Dec 29, 2022, 08:16 Scott McKay is a former competitive bodybuilder turned wellness industry entrepreneur whose life passions led him to the political arena. We're LIVE every Monday at 12pm PT with experts, entrepreneurs, professionals & purpose-driven people to share their stories, passions and provide real-life tangible takeawaysall in 7 minute segments. Copyright 2023 Rumble. . Patriot T-Shirts Patriot Hats Patriot Flags Patriot Coins Follow us on Telegram Tucker Carlson is next and hes not quite 3 million people on his best day. What's missing is a return to our Faith & God. That channels hosts attacked Rogan for treating COVID with horse dewormer, a staggeringly irresponsible characterization of a drug whose inventors won a Nobel Prize for medicine for its properties as applied to humans and which has been prescribed millions upon millions of times around the world for all kinds of ailments. (LogOut/ AS you DO NOT DIE SPIRITUALLY, YOU ARE ETERNAL SOULS, YOU will MOVE back up the DIMENSIONS, This is NOT to be confused with those WHO have been trained or wrongly programmed believing that there is NO GOD or HEAVEN.