They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. In aquarius wants you at a small condo, aquarius venus, taurus and need excitement. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. 943 45 95 94; 619 32 00 99; . With the exception of this quality, Venus in Aquarius people are some of the most unselfish people in love. Even if the rest of the world thinks you are unlovable, I will see you for what you really are.. Although they seem to put up with a lot, be fair with them. If a mans Venus is in Virgo, an appealing woman to him is usually an understated, rather simple appearance without too much glamour or ostentatiousness. Be direct, open, and honest with them they wont much like game-playing or evasiveness, unless it is in the complete spirit of fun. She need not be robust or aggressive. 1. Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking spirit. Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires): You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and . Better half: someone who is content with their life 4. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy, as they yearn for body and soul contact with someone specialcontact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. When the going gets tough in their relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. The emotional side of Venus in Cancer is not always easy for the Venus in Cancer woman, though, and it is possible for her to be moody or even manipulative in some cases. People get turned on by Venus in Aries aura of innocent charm, even when they are being childish and impatient. A lover in the sign of the Twins (Gemini) finds pleasure in the running commentary, and quick witty back and forth wordplay. Although they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they wont always be forthcoming with their own. Taurus In our experience, men and women tend to take on the role of Venus in their relationships in approximately equal measure. Venus in Aquarius is very intellectual and may have trouble meeting Venus in Cancers emotional needs. You may need to give in to them in love matters, because they wont readily give in to you! With their romantic view of the world, they can be unreasonably attracted to states of suffering and martyrdom, so they easily get into the role of saving someone, or being saved. The four elements fire, earth, air, and water typically break down into two groups of two: fire and air, and earth and water. They want you to see just how competent they are. They can become quietly resentful if they feel they are being taken advantage of and they make it easy for more aggressive types to bully them around. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate that they dont follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. Dont know your Venus sign? Unlike Venus in Leo, they wont try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. The Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo partner would ground the Venus in Cancer person, making it less likely for the Venus in Cancer person to get lost in emotional extremes. Who is Venus in Capricorn compatible with? Ultra sensitive or shy women are not usually the most attractive women to these men, as they tend to prefer strong and independent types. They prefer things be done the right way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. Living up to others expectations can also be a problem for some, and can prevent them from truly appreciating the moment. Scorpio is an all or nothing energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. I have joie de vivre and I love to laugh. While Venus offers clues as to what type of women and situations attract a man on a romantic level, the Moon reveals what qualities makes a man feel comfortable and warm. Variety is the spice of life is their attitude in love, in social relationships, and with personal possessions. Some enjoy the thought that can go behind making purchases, weighing various options. Venus in Virgo has a more parsimonious reputation, but Venus in Cancer would feel cared for by Venus in Virgos attention to detail. If a mans Venus is in Scorpio, thefemme fatale is just fine for him. Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. This is when they use their extraordinary nursing abilities on themselves, instead of youand you simply dont want that! They are sociable, communicative, and interested. Im looking for commitment. Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. If you are feeling a little jealous, let them know. They appreciate lightheartedness in love. When someone's Venus is a water sign, they often crave the stable, grounded energy that a Taurus Venus brings to relationships. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it comes to intimacy. My ideal dateconsists of eating in, and snuggling up to each other.. However, while it may hold true with Venus to some extent today, we prefer not to attach gender bias to Venus and Mars. Venus in Aries men and women behave in a childlike, fun-loving manner in love. Remember, to Venus in Leo, your small jealousies are affirmations that you find them attractive and expect the rest of the world to as well. These people take things to extremes, and can be very provocative. In fact, you can be sure they will stretch the truth every once in a while. Generally these men are attracted to a clean, robust, athletic look, generally slim but not necessarily well-groomed. A cancer man may be pessimist and he fears the unknown. Their body-and-soul love and commitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and makes loving them a very heavy experience. My Personal Ad Bio: I am fun and funny. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. I will win you over. They are often looking for long-term commitment that includes giving and receiving emotional nurturing. If at least one of these situations applies to a couple where one has Venus in Cancer and the other has Venus in Gemini or Leo, incompatibility is not a huge concern. Lacking in confidence is just fine, and so is a touch of helplessness. They are both. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. They are affectionate and cuddly, and are at their best when they feel safe and secure. Venus in Leo Compatibility. Learn what Venus, the planet of luck, vision, expansion, and plenty, means in each sign of the zodiac. My Personal Ad Bio: Im emotional and deep. The signs that have not been covered yet are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Venus in Leo wants to appear experienced in love, even if they have little or no experience whatsoever! They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Think about how a crab (the symbol of Cancer) moves towards its goal, and you will get a fair idea of Venus in Cancers approach. The bottom line, however, is usually a rather bold, confident manner. Venus in Taurus: Venus in Taurus shows a romantic and cautious personality, meaning the person is very prudent when . They feed on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration. . Maybe because she has many ways and makes. Venus in Virgo men and women quietly (and often slowly) make their way into your heart. If a mans Venus is in Cancer, he may prefer women who come across as sweet, soft, and warm. Can be demanding in love, addicted to the chase or the intense passions of the moment. They can, however, be insular in their perspective and manipulative in the way they use emotions in their communication. They want to impress you with the things they do. They dont easily adapt to others feelings and moods. A relationship between a Venus in Cancer person and a Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo partner would therefore have the best of both worlds. Click on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. They are deeply sensual, passionate and they love sex. She can be a good listener when someone close to her needs to work through an emotional issue, as she is typically in touch with her own emotional side. He's not into the flirtatious types and prefers a woman who displays sincere devotion. Let them have their secrets and their silences. Venus in any of these signs tends to express its element intensely. Good manners and polite interactions in public make you look good to a Venus in Taurus guy. Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. Since the energies of Venus have to go somewhere, when a man doesnt own, or identify with, his Venus, the energies would be projected onto the women he meets and relates with. They do need some space (after all, theyre generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. Their relationships are immensely important to them, and they may even feel that relationships consume them. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are usually sincere, upright, and straightforward about what they want. They are often attracted to art, furnishings, clothing, and music from ancient times as well as modern, abstract, and futuristic. These people can be jealous of all of your attachments, but few will admit it. They are talented at creating artistic structure and form. Someone with Venus in Cancer and the Sun in Taurus or Virgo is therefore a person who builds a life that is both physically and emotionally secure. This can be a difficult place for Venus, as her task of bringing adults together for sexual connection has a different vibe. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Sensualitysomeone to share hedonistic pleasures with. An athletic or tomboyish look, sometimes on the slim side, is often preferred. . My Personal Ad Bio: I have a strong sense of adventure. Hold on there, says this stability-seeking Venusyou're taking liberties! He doesn't like to be pressured or rushed into things, especially commitments or relationships. Even if they are found in stable industries, they find the wilder parts of those industries. Heaven and earth? They can find a way that any position anywhere on the political spectrum ties into their view of family values somehow. Will Venus-Taurus want to simply relax into the rich silence, and find that maddening? They are, however, a great partner for someone who wants to feel taken care of for life. She can certainly be beautiful, but boring? Like all pairs of opposite signs, Cancer and Capricorn are dealing with similar issues. It is important to look at Venus signs in assessing relationship compatibility with astrology, because Venus rules your values and your approach to love. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. I will accept you. Im self-taught and self-sufficient.. Being a romantic being, he is attracted to a woman who falls so deep in love with him that she treats him like her king and remains loyal forever. Why is Venus in Leo Popular? This desire for emotional security is so strong that it can keep together an otherwise bad relationship. Thats when youll hear the lion roarand, no doubt, youll want to keep these cats purring. Venus in Cancer has a good reputation for being really sweet. Aries likes to take the lead in love (even if their Sun Sign is gentle Pisces) let them, at least most of the time. Venus in Cancer is no exception. Attracts by being direct and not beating around the bush gets to the point. In a man's chart, his Moon Sign is the . In their case, the common ground has to do with maintaining structures of society. Each Zodiac sign is also ruled by at least one planet or luminary. The Venus in Cancer woman is a romantic who, when in love, falls hard. Gemini They both also crave a sure-thing and once latched on, enjoy the sense of permanence (in a chaotic world). They are easygoing in this manner because a partner can appeal to their sense of reason, and they always strive to be exceptionally fair and impartial. They like to choose their terms when involved in a relationship, and this can be challenging for a partner, as their terms can be changeable!