In his dying moments, Snape asks Harry to look at him clearly a reference to Lily, in that Harry's eyes resemble his mother's and gives him a vial of memories. For example, why is Draco Malfoy acting weirder than normal? There's a whole essay in why Harry gave his son Snape's name, but the decision goes to the heart of who Harry was, post-war. Though Harry believes that Sirius James and Lily's best friend sold them out to Voldemort, the truth is that Peter Pettigrew, who was friends with all three, actually betrayed James and Lily and worked for Voldemort. He married the pure-blood witch Eileen Prince. Rickman's voice clip of the famous sentence ", Rickman had conversations with Rowling about his character and is one of the few Harry Potter actors that she spoke to prior to the completion of the book series about the future direction of the character. Plus, Snape was never the true master of the Elder Wand, due to the fact that Dumbledore, who was dying of a terrible curse, asked Snape to kill him when the time came. Tobias Snape was a British Muggle and the patriarch of the Snape family in the late twentieth century. Harry has the same patronus as James. Okay, now I read the books. It's been many years since the first Harry Potter movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone made its way to theaters. However, Snape's life takes a turn when he meets a young Lily Evans, who lives nearby. It's questions like this that make Snape Rowling's richest creation. Due to the age difference between Rickman and Snape, as he is portrayed in the book, make-up was used on Rickman to make him look younger. In Half-Blood Prince, Harry states that Snape's mother, Eileen Prince, was Pureblood. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Snape didn't know that he was the father of Harry, hell, even Harry didn't know. This connection largely carries over to the films and goes a long way toward explaining the inherent hate Snape seems to have for Harry. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Harry Potter: How Harrys Father Saved Snapes Life, An Iconic Harry Potter Role Was Nearly Played By Successions Brian Cox, Harry Potters Most Powerful Potion Might Be The Reason He Ended Up With Ginny, Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Star Fired Over Misconduct Allegations, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! He's always had a crush on her even when they started Hogwarts. While the primary focus was on Harry Potter and his friends' time at Hogwarts, sections of the story hinted at events from decades earlier involving Harry's parents. Severus Snape is not Harry's father. Snape's death is one of the most emotional moments in the series. 15 Books for Your Oscar Season Reading List, How We Can Learn to Live with COVID-19 After Vaccinations. This apparently irrational hatred hides a greater complexity than we could have possibly imagined, turning Severus Snape into a character whose evolution is one of the most significant in the whole saga. Is there something in the movie DH-part 2 made them think Snape is Harry's father ?? Though Snape was hard on Harry and his friends throughout the series, he was deeply in love with Lily Potter, Harry's mom. Snape has carved out a place for himself among the most remembered and loved characters in the saga. In fact, being in James' debt was suggested to be something that enraged Snape. During Harry's sixth year, the Boy Who Lived finds himself completely consumed by a few mysteries. How does fear drive their actions? All his actions lead us to believe that hes on the side of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He appears to do something wrong and yet, in the end, it turns out that he was acting in Harrys best interests. lol. Surprisingly, less blood is shown than in the book. Even just from his name, Snape, it sounds like snake, usually associated with evil. Suspicions were aroused at every turn by the level of enmity Snape felt toward Harry, but a piece of the puzzle was revealed when readers learned that Snape had a crush on Lilly who had eyes for no one but Harrys father. Since his happiest and most loving memories were with Harry's mother, Lily, his Patronus took the same form as hers which is what made Harry follow it in the first place. Rupert Grint admitted to being afraid of him in an interview. Jemes is light and Snape is black like Harry is. However, she had a huge secret prepared that change everything. I wouldn't have been surprised. I'm really, really, sorry because my dumb answer trump yours. Not Snape thats for sure. This relationship will be key to discovering more about Snape as an adult in the Harry Potter saga. In the film, as Harry is holding a dying Snape in his arms, the professor uses his final words to repeat a line we've heard from several other characters throughout the series: "You have your mother's eyes.". He Calls Lily A Slur. Seeing as he was a double agent, this also fits. Rowling cleverly built a character that we all grew up hating, and yet one whom we would eventually end up loving. However, it's never clearly mentioned in the books, probably because Slughorn only liked to show off the students he was most proud of. But those words and that moving scene hide something else, something much deeper that Rowling has let us catch a glimpse of throughout her seven books. The Elder Wand, which he stole from Dumbledore's tomb, won't work for him because he isn't the true "master" of it. The only thing making James and Harry look alike is the glasses and hair (plus they're just actors anyway). Finally someone with some sense. After Snape and Lily leave Hogwarts, the space between them only grows as Snape joins Voldemort, the Dark Lord, to help him overtake the wizarding world, while Lily . Despite Snape and Lily's bond, they still argue, especially when her sister, Petunia Harry's bitter Muggle aunt gets involved. This was likely due to the film's PG-13 rating. In a 2007 interview with Bloomsbury, Rowling joked that Skeeter would probably have gone on to write a biography titled "Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?" Snape was not Harrys father. He was a double agent, so many character details were kept a secret. Despite never appearing in the actual events of either the book or film series, James' rescue of Snape -- although a pretty bad indictment on the kind of person he and his best friends were as teenagers -- is quietly one of the more important momentsin the series' backstory. From The Philosophers Stone, we realize that Dumbledore never doubts his trust and loyalty; he believes deeply in repentance and second chances. Did Snape steal sword? Tobias was born sometime in the early twentieth century, into the Muggle Snape family. In contrast, his relationship with Lily Potter was quite different. And, in the same way, we understand that good old Dumbledore wasnt quite as good as we thought he was. I also find it insulting to lily because it implies she's a cheater. Snape once made an appearance in an episode of the TV show. On top of that, Snape finds Harry to be arrogant and mediocre, as well as a boy who breaks rules to gain fame and glory. While Snape may have protectedHarry partially out of hisenduring love for Lily, his debt to James can't be understated -- and was directly referenced asthe reason why Snape savedHarryfrom Quarrel in the novel version ofHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. DD says.don't tell me you've come to care for the boy. Snape's first line to his class is actually symbolic of his love for Lily. Throughout most of the Harry Potter franchise, Severus Snape was the Potions professor with a knack for bullying students he didn't like. We cannot make it any more clear that Severus Snape is not Harry Potter's real father. From lifelong vendettas to his long-lost love and his true allegiance, here's the entire, fascinating backstory of Severus Snape, explained in full. He was only 21 days older than her. Latest answer posted May 20, 2020 at 2:49:33 AM. The . He covers breakouts on comics, film, television, video games, and anime. In the film adaptation, Lord Voldemort slashes Snape's throat, then orders Nagini to finish him off. But he saves most of his venom for Harry, whom he punishes especially harshly. Snape, once again, proved he was a hero by acting as a double agent, which was revealed the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If you look at the etymology of the words, you'll see he's both referencing Lily and his vow to . Snape getting 100%, completely, unequivocally rejected is kind of a huge thing in the story, the guy could barely get her to talk to him most of the time past a certain point, let alone them going at it in Filch's broom closet. I'm not sure, but anyway I loved the movie! Why did you pick Snape to name Harrys kid after? Or at leat in the book they did. go to, It can happen, but its rare and always seems tied to tragic or unrequited love. Snape and Lily make a better couple. What J.K Rowling Doesn't Want You To Know About Harry Potter's ParentsSubscribe: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC | Potterheads: h. I think people were just kind of grasping at straws. We know from the Goblet of Fire a person can maintain disguise via polyjuice potion for as long as they have access. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 02-15-16 Founder: EnterprisingManuever - Stories: 135 - Followers: 0 - Staff: 1 - id: 123406 all stories in which Snape is harry's biological father Meet Eric Emrys Snape by Geloalto reviews 11. Fuck no. As far as a crazy 'open-ended' plot twist, that's where my mind took it. Snape may have been a villain throughout his life, but Harry made sure to remember him as a hero. We see James as the leader of his group, the popular joker whos always looking for trouble. Plus, Snape is the so-called Half-Blood Prince. I'm genuinely curious as he was nothing but abusive towards everyone.. But as some fans and even Rowling herself were quick to point out, he's neither good nor bad. Thus, were faced with the question: Who really is who in Harry Potter? A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. And maybe they thought that because of Snapes memories of Lily and how he really did Love her and still did until he died. When the year draws to a close, Harry and Sirius come face to face, flanked by Ron, Hermione, and Lupin, and a shocking realization comes to light. The deaths at the Battle of Hogwarts would haunt Harry forever. That's because Snape has always liked Lily since childhood. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Spoilers for the Harry Potter film & books to follow! The shared doe patronus meant that Snape had loved Lily. As readers or viewers, were surprised that no one besides Harry and his friends is aware of Snapes evil. We all shed a few tears when we discovered that, after all this time, Snape still loved Harrys mother Lily and that, in fact, everything he had done was to ensure the young mans safety. Maybe Voldemort is Harry`s father. However, of all of the characters in Harry Potter, few are as fascinating as Severus Snape, the Slytherin potions master who seems like one of the cruelest villains for nearly the entire series. Maybe he loved her still, maybe they were blood related or maybe had the same memory. The ultimate dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, has the strongest villain-style charisma in the Harry Potter world. Harry gave his eldest son the middle name Sirius. Thanks to Lupin, we sense more about his past, discovering that the bad relationship with the Marauders comes from his stay at Hogwarts. Also looks can be deceiving as Harry's hair could've been a mix of Lily's and snapped to brown. Thoughts? Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. You see your self in DH 2 James making a fool of Snape and James looks just like harry for a REASON!!! The site reads, "The popular idea of a Potions expert within the wizarding community is of a brooding, slow-burning personality.". Maybe a way of coming clean? Snape was a half-blood, born to a Muggle father named Tobias Snape and a witch mother named Eileen Prince. You can't see why they would think Snape is Harry's father I can (Flashes of Snape with Lily seem to indicate there was something between them and then Dumbledore says don't tell Harry the secret) come on people you couldn't be that lame that's what they do in movies leave something to the imagination. In 2015, Rowling wrote on Pottermore (now Wizarding World) that chemistry, the Muggle equivalent to Potions class, was her least favorite subject in school. 7 WEAKNESS: His Abusive Upbringing Makes Him Disdain Muggles. However, Snape isn't a stick in the mud all the time. H arry Potter named his son after the character Professor Severus Snape in tribute to him dying for "for Harry out of love for Lily [Potter],"JK Rowling revealed on Friday. On a 2019 episode of the UK game show "There's Something About the Movies," actor Tim Roth said that he was offered the role of Snape the same year he was cast in Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes.". She probably wasn't coming back down to Spinner's End ever again. It is unclear why Snape is still alive in the alternate reality where Voldemort won the wizarding war, given that Voldemort should have still killed him as he believed that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand and still desired to become the wand's master. Severus Snape's biggest regret. Warner Bros. Pictures. [21] In addition, Harry later named his second son Albus Severus Potter in honour of Dumbledore and Severus, both of whom were an inspiration in Harry's life after the Battle of Hogwarts. I wish Snape was his father becuase I dont like James. To help Harry learn to defend his mind, Dumbledore asks Snape to teach Harry the art of occlumency, which guards your mind against invading forces. Next Ron and Hermione, sittin' in a tree. Because, in the end, we all make mistakes, we can all act wrongly in certain situations. Wait, I don't follow. Harry's real father is James Potter, and this has been consistent from the first book to the last, and even in all the films. The Harry Potter novelist shed light on Twitter over the epilogue to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which revealed that Harry named his son Albus Severus. Didn't you post this crap a week ago? The revelation in the pensieve is one of the most momentous parts of the saga, a time when Harry and the reader reach maturity. She also cleared up doubt as to whether Professor Snape held malice against Harry or his father, James Potter. Furious, Snape kicks Harry out of his office and refuses to continue teaching him, but in the end, when Harry is convinced that Voldemort has captured Sirius, Snape goes out of his way to check on Sirius and alert the Order of the Phoenix about Harry's vision. It's obvious Snape is NOT Harrys father. How does fear control us, and why might it be hard to be Latest answer posted August 22, 2019 at 4:46:51 PM. Also most kids want to look like their parents. Several factors combine to give him powerful charisma, from his eerie, snake-like appearance to his merciless attitude to his powerfully compelling ideas and force of will. In 2007, when asked by a fan . I can see why people who didn't read the books could have somehow jumped to that conclusion. We know that Snape has the dark mark, an indication that he was once a Death Eater. On twitlonger Rowling said that when Snape went to meet with Dumbledore on the windy hilltop he was still a subscriber to the inhuman philosophy of Voldemort. Biologically: James Potter - the father who's blood Harry carries and respectively calls "dad". And, in fact, Snape is working against him to protect Harry. Accessed 4 Mar. My dad just asked me this same question.. In 2015, the series' author began answering a slew of fan questions on Twitter. Movies might not follow to the letter, but they can't really change something as drastic as the main character's parentage. Upon their shared arrival at Hogwarts, Lily is furious at Snape for sabotaging her relationship with her sister, and matters only get worse from there. Though Snape was hard on Harry and his friends throughout the series, he was deeply in love with Lily Potter, Harry's mom. you'll get it later. In honouring Snape, Harry hoped in his heart that he too would be forgiven. What began as a children's story has become a success story that has also won the hearts of adults all over the world. This shows that, sometimes, our senses deceive us. Snape's actor Alan Rickman's first and middle initials -, Snape and James Potter's respective actors - Alan Rickman and. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, 25 Years Ago, Michelle Yeoh Starred in James Bond's Most Underrated Movie, 10 Worst Written Female Characters In An Action Movie. He also learns that Snape's doe Patronus, after Lily's own Patronus, appeared to Harry in the woods and guided him towards Gryffindor's sword. This is the first time that he addresses him with the title other than in his presence which shows that he has forgiven and even come to respect Snape for his courage and his sacrifices. Because it seems like a interesting idea. Snape waves his wand producing his potronus and it's the same as Lillies. According to Wizarding World, a Patronus is generated through "memories of happiness and hope." Haven't they read Philisiphers Stone? He names his eldest son after James and Sirius. If by real you mean through genes the answer to that is James Potter. Though Harry, Ron, and Hermione are convinced that Snape is working with Voldemort to try to steal the stone, it turns out that Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, is the one actually searching for the magical item as he's possessed by the weak, bodiless spirit of the Dark Lord. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! When Harry has difficulty shutting off his emotions to practice occlumency, Snape doesn't help anything, and their tension hits a breaking point when Harry inadvertently invades Snape's mind and sees a memory of his father, James, cruelly bullying Snape for no reason. Explicitly. Dumbledore just said that this patronus mirroring wasn't that weird.